Chapter Diecinueve

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Right then I felt my heart knock against my chest, and I felt my blood run cold. I stared at him, awestruck. He got me. He's got me there. Bit by bit, scenes fell into place, and everything all made sense. At the school, Rocco's address wasn't the only thing he searched. He had searched me as well.

I forced my saliva down my throat, "Now Logan. I know you think you've got it all, but let's just hear my side of the story." He looked at me like I was an idiot. "That's enough." He told me, and looked back down at Aura. "All of this time... I trusted you. I believed every word that escaped those lips, and to find out that you lied to me about the most important thing..." I understood his point of view, but it was past time that he understood mine. "Look, Logan. I'm not proud of the things that've happened in my past, ok? And my name... My name sounds so much just reminds me of her. Jesus, Logan, my parents freaking named me after her. How can I still call myself Lorabelle? I'm not a Lorabelle, I don't act like a Lorabelle, I don't look like a Lorabelle, anyone can see that. Quinn has always been more of my name then Lorabelle anyways."

He whipped around, "Not a Lorabelle, are you kidding me? Thats the name you were born with. You're never going to shake it off! It doesn't help if you think your something else, its's like calling a Stallion a Bloodhound. You can lie to yourself, but you're not going to lie to me." I made a face, "Logan, I never LIED TO YOU! You never straight out asked, so honestly there's nothing to lie about!'' He rolled his eyes, "Your name is the first thing you tell someone!"

I put my hand on my hip, "Not if you don't want them calling you that! Look dude, I don't want to be Lorabelle. I don't want--" He cut me off, and raged on. "THAT ISN'T RELEVANT! What matters is that you knew, and you didn't tell me." I sighed, "Well then if you cared so much, MAYBE YOU SHOULD'VE ASKED! I take that you were already suspicious if you did a search on me, why didn't you just ask me in person?"

Logan licked his lips, "Because I knew that I wasn't going to get anywhere. It was just a hunch, I didn't know for sure, so I just decided to check for myself, and what do you know?" I took a few steps forward, "Logan, you overreacted."

His eyes hardened. "OK. So now I'm overreacting because this whole entire time you lived in our house you couldn't even give us your name! After everything we did for you, you couldn't just tell us." My eyes widened with fury, "OH don't you even pull up that card! I want everyone to call me Quinn, or Gates. Thats freaking it. The rest is none of your freaking business, bud. Conversation over."

"None of my business! You lived in our house for God's sake! We have every right." He protested, and I rolled my eyes. "Just shut up and admit to defeat. This topic is so not even worth my voice. Now if we could turn to the matter at hand, AND FIND OUT A FREAKING WAY TO GET OUT OF HERE!" 

For a second Logan seemed completely lost, but finally he seemed to get a grip on his surroundings. "Yeah, bud. We're still trapped in a room with an unconscious Aura. Figures." I mutter, and go back to the door. "Maybe we could bust it open..." I told him, and he walked on over to help.

After a few kicks, and pounding arms, we stopped for a breather. "Wait, Logan. How the hell are we going to take Aura with us? She's pretty heavy..." Logan turned to look at Aura's body, and sighed.

Then there was a loud sound, like a trigger, and loud footsteps. Before we knew it, the door that we tried so hard to pry open, slammed, and a confident Rosalinda blocked it holding an AK-47. Her dark red hair was tangled, her eyes were wide with anticipation, and her lips curved into a menacing smile.

Automatically Logan and I hiked back, scared to death. Keeping my eye on the girl and the gun, I walked backwards, and tripped over Aura's thigh. "Fugger!" I uttered, and Logan instinctively lifted me back up, and pulled me into a bear hug. "What are you doing?" I whispered into his chest as Rosalinda zeroed in, and took her time, taking a it a step at a time.

 "When you mess with one of us, you mess with all of us." Rosalinda said in a matter-of-fact tone, and gave a short grin. "One of you will have to pay for the deed thats been done. Pick quickly. I'm giving you thirty seconds...Oh, and you can include the girl on the floor. The little whore."

I felt my blood temperature drop, and my heart stutter. "I'll do it." I volunteered, and tried to get out of  Logan's grasp. Rosalinda laughed, "So quick to end your little life. Oh, so eager. You still have 27 seconds, use your time wisely. It'll be up for one of you before you know it." Rosalinda continued the countdown in her head as Logan shook the brains out of me. "Are you crazy? You're so not getting the brains splattered out of you. Thats out of the question."

24, 23, 22, 21.. "Then what are you suggesting?"  I asked him, and he grabbed my face, and smashed it so hard against his my vision blurred and my mind spun. The kiss felt long, sharp, and increasingly desperate.

When I finally mustered the strength, I snapped my head back. "Logan," I shook my head, dazed. "Logan, this is so crazy." I looked up into his eyes, and before either one of us could react there was a pull of a trigger.

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