Chapter Nueve

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A few days passed by, and bit by bit I got my room together. The theme was like of artic, like an icicle, with cool blue lights, a white couch, a hanging bed, lots of mirrors, and black sparkles. There was a huge red heart pillow on my bed, and my bookshelf was built into the wall. Hell, even my laptop is going according to theme. A huge rug covered the floor, as fuzzy as my slippers, and black as night. The window was tinted to a light blue, and altered the color of the sunlight filtering through. My room was stunningly amazing, and I wanted to believe that it was the one place I could be safe. Where I could chill back, and be a normal teenage girl. But I wasn't. And no where was ever going to be save for me, and the people I care about.

It was a Tuesday, and it was that same day that Logan brought home his girlfriend.


Perhaps it technically wasn't his girlfriend, but the chick was so totally head over heels for him, so it had to count. Logan apparently wasn't planning to introduce me to her, so I decided to do it myself.

They were in the kitchen, chatting it up, and I just happened to walk by, by some sort of coincedence. As my cover, I made some popcorn. When it was done popping, I poured it all into a bowl and set it in front of them. "I don't believe we've met before. I'm Quinn." I extended my hand, and the girl shook it. She had short white hair, and pretty eyes. "Aura Aurora." I smiled, setting my elbows on the table. "You know, I really like your shoes." I complimented her, and Aura gushed, "Oh thanks, I bought them online.... Your nail polish looks really great too, by the way."

I tilted my head and smiled, "Really? I've got the whole collection back in my room, if you want to check it out sometime." Aura beamed, "Sure. I really can't remember the last time I painted my nails... You know, Logan is designing the pages for our project right now,.. and I'm sure he wouldn't mind if I checked back on him later. Right Low-g?" Aura glanced at him, but Logan knew that it wasn't a question that he could give an answer to. "I'm going to borrow your partner, 'Lowg'. Don't worry, I'll bring her back when you get anxious." I winked at him, and led Aura to my room.

<> <> <>

"I'm so jealous of you!" Aura told me, laying out the nail polish over my bed. I know it might be too soon, but I really like Aura. There's something about her that like.. draws me in. She just has an uplifting personality, and makes every thing seem like...lighter. "Oh you can borrow the nail polish if you want, just bring it back later when you guys are working on your project again." Aura rolled over, "Not that. I mean you get to live with Logan." I couldn't help rolling my eyes, "Its not all its cracked up to be.... Whatever its cracked up to be." I scratched my head, "And I'm only staying until the end of the school year, so don't think that I have to put up with him forever."

Aura looked back at me, "I've never seen you around before. You don't go to the same school?" I smiled, and dropped my head back in bliss. "The lord had blessed me." I looked at her, mock seriousness painted across my face. "Please tell me the girls' uniforms aren't as terrible as the boys'." Aura shrugged, "We get to wear skirts.. Short ones." I couldn't help smiling, "You dirty little devils. How many times would the average student 'drop their pencil'?" Aura laughed, "You got me."

I turned over to start up my laptop, and Aura got up from my bed and sat down beside me. "Could I use your laptop for a moment? I just want to check something,..... and see if anyone has invited me yet..." I gave her a sideways glance. "To what?" Aura typed in

"To this dance... We have our own... Facebook thing, everyone who goes to our school has an account. Some guys are just too shy to ask the girls to the dance in person, so they'll do it here." She signed in with the username ReadingMyAura.

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