Chapter Tres

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Tuscan walked me home, just like he promised, and was about to leave when my mother, Annamaria Cornelia Gates received a call from my father, who just happens to be Chief Hildebrand Erice Gates, co-head of the Police Department. Mom was pale, her hand gripping the phone. "Honey, I.. There's been a fire.. down at the local pub. Your father seems to think that someone you know might be there..."

Tuscan just happened to overhear my mother, and literally froze, his eyes opened wild. "Oh no." I was frozen as well, speechless, and then we both broke out running. Naturally, Tuscan was faster, only because he was taller, and his legs were longer, but I was hot on his tail. He busted out the house, and down the path we just took to get to my house.

My heart was racing, my mind was blank, and I relied on Tuscan to lead me to La Salle, because I really wasn't thinking straight. Shouelle had to be alive. She just had to.

The fire was still blazing, dark smoke hanging over the club like a blanket. It would've made a good campfire to roast marshmallows in, too bad the only think roasting in it right now was human flesh...

The wind picked up, sending litter and garbage flying through the air, which only fueled the flames. It was terrible. Next thing I knew, Tuscan was out of sight, and firefighters were working to rescue as many people as possible. The wind knotted my hair as anxiety and fear knotted in the pits of my stomach.

I ran over to the ambulances, perhaps Shouelle had already made it out. As I walked around an ambulance, I noticed something strange. Someone was actually running to the fire.. I raised an eyebrow in confusion, then screamed.

"TUSCAN! TUSCAN GET BACK HERE!" I searched frantically around, "SOMEBODY PLEASE! HE RAN INTO THE FIRE!" There was a long, breathtaking moment of confusion, loud noises, and flickering lights. I felt tears building up in my eyes, and I do like to believe that its from the smoke. Bless the angels, because someone heard me.

There was a dark figure, coming out of the fire, carrying a lifeless person. Adults and medical workers rushed toward them, and I caught sight of my father speaking urgently into his Wakie-talkie. It had to be Tuscan, carrying Shouelle.

But it wasn't.

It wasn't Tuscan.

I ran to them, but someone held me back. A fireman. Shouldn't he be saving someone or something? I tried to run to Shouelle. I tried to find Tuscan, but I couldn't break through the fireman's grip. 'PLEASE... PLEASE.." I begged, "M-MY FRIEND..PLEASE JUST LEMME SEE.." I hiccuped, "IF SHE'S OKAY.." I swear I could feel the fireman's gaze relax a fraction.

"It's going to be alright. Everything is going to be just fine, but listen to me." I was still pushing, trying reach Shouelle and trying to find Tuscan. "Listen to me." I stopped, momentarily drained, and looked up at the fireman. "You need to go home now. We need to take care of people in critical condition, and we don't need anyone else to get hurt." I gasped and choked, trying to speak.

"PLEASE. I-I JUST.." I hiccuped just as my dad came over to rest a hand on the fireman's shoulder, "She's with me, why don't you go do you job?" The fireman turned around, hesitating for a moment before nodding and running into the fire. "D-DAD I-I just want to see if-if Shouelle is okay. P-please." Unfortunately crying and speaking at the same time isn't really working out for me.

Dad nodded, "Sure, but we have to make this quick. I think they're loading her in an ambulance right now." I followed him to Ambulance #66, were they were loading somebody into the truck. It didn't even look like her. I stared, dumbstruck, crystal tears rolling down my eyes. "She's going to be alright now,... right?" I tried to make eye contact with my dad. "Right?" He looked down at me, his eyes hard. "As a father I would most certainly agree, but as Chief Hildebrand, I'd have to say that you never know. You just never know Quinn."

I don't think I like Chief Hildebrand very much, because next thing I knew more tears were rolling. "Where's Tuscan? Is he alright?" Chief Hildebrand scanned the crowd, a small frown on his face. Hey, at least the flames died down a little, but not a Tuscan in sight.

There was another boy, sitting on the edge of Ambulance #54. A few paramedics surrounded him, giving him fluids and a breathing mask, which he swatted off. I could've swore he was the one who rescued Shouelle, but I wasn't sure. I memorized the face so I could ask later.

I started to walk off, just to get a better view, when Chief Hildebrand grabbed my arm. "Time to get you home, young lady." I looked up at his eyes, "But..But Dad I can't go yet. I-I have to make sure Tuscan is ok." Dad grunted, pulling my arm. "I said its time to get you home. You asked for a Shouelle, and now you want a Tuscan." I hiccuped, disbelief clearly evident.

"D-DAD PLEASE. PLEASE HE MEANS THE WORLD TO SHOUELLE. PLEASE..PLEASE RIGHT AFTER I KNOW HE'S OK..." I hiccuped, "Right after I know he's ok, I'll go. I'll go home." Dad's grip lessened, "If you get in that fire, your dead." I couldn't help letting a hoarse laugh escape my lips. "You got that right, Pops."

I ran around the club, my hair a tangled mess, and my eyes wild. Shouelle would die if she found out that Tuscan died trying to save her life. I searched frantically, but I was too late. Firefighters caught sight of me, and dragged me to an ambulance. My lungs were filled with smoke and other toxic fumes, making it difficult to breath. A lady fireman said that everything was going to be alright, "But.." I coughed loudly, "Could you find my friend?" My voice was hoarse and barely audible,

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