Chapter Dieciocho

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The wind was stronger than I'd thought it'd be, it wasn't a cool breeze, it was humid. Warm. I knew by the time I reached school grounds my hair would be knotted into a inseparable mess, my eyes would be wide open, and I would be huffing for air. The thing is that I didn't even need to make it that far.

Logan was already walking past, and he didn't even notice me. I was invisible, at least, to him. He just stormed past me, and I ran to catch up. "Hey, Logan." I breathed, grabbed his shoulder. "Why the hell did you do that? You've got some nerve to leave me in the car like that, you know." He clenched his jaw, and I knew he had something to say, but was just holding it in. He had a whole lot. "What the hell's your problem?"

By then we had made it to the car, he jerked the door open, and slammed it shut. Logan was furious. I had barely gotten inside before he zipped on the engine, and began to take off. "Dude, seriously! Tell me what the hell your problem is!" I glared at him, but he stared on ahead like my voice was merely a faint whisper. He was surprisingly good at this game. When he didn't respond, I leaned back in the seat and looked out the window.

I didn't know what the hell his problem was, but if he didn't tell me then I had no reason to care about it. "Did you get the address?" I asked him, but he just kept his eyes on the road. The little snot.

The drive was long, awkward, extremely uncomfortable. We drove up a winding road on large hill filled with trees and animals. There were a few large, expensive houses, but they were all private, separated by the woods. Was this were Rocco lived? And even if he did, would Aura be there? I looked out the window at the dark sky, a rainstorm was destined to be our future.

I sneaked another glance at Logan, who I'm afraid didn't sneak one in return. What did I ever to do this kid? Then finally, thank heavens, we stopped at a large, wooden house. It was a bit smaller than a mansion, but everything was made of pine trees. It smelt nice, but the splinters would be a problem.

The darkest spots of the cumulonimbus clouds seemed to be directly over the house, so hopefully we don't stay for too long. We walked up to the door, and knocked obnoxiously. Multiple times. When that wasn't working, I twisted the handle, and pushed. No surprise they left the door open, they were basically in the middle of nowhere. What, their neighbors would hike through the woods just to rob their house, and somehow manage to bring the booty back? Not likely.

I walked in first, and Logan was a step behind me. "Hello? Anybody home?!?" I called out, and looked at my surroundings. Literally, everything was made of wood, or was brown, but it made it seem very... relaxed. And warm. It was suddenly very warm.

Then there was a clicking sound, someone walking with high heels. For a moment I thought of Mirabelle, but pulled away from the thought when I saw the red head walk down the stairs. She was gorgeous, with bright laughing eyes, and long, dark, red hair that fell to her waist. "Hello," She said, staring at me. "Is there... anything you need?" I hesitated for a moment. Who knows, maybe Logan got the wrong address? He surely didn't tell me anything, so how the hell would I know?

"We're looking for someone named Rocco. You know him?" I asked politely, with faint curiosity. "Know him?" The girl laughed, "He's my brother. It would be a relief not to. I'm his sister, Rose." Ah, I remembered. So this was Rosalinda.

"He's up in his room. Just go up the stairs, to your left, across the hall, and his room's to the right." Rose told us, perhaps with too much enthusiasm, and then went off to what I assumed was the kitchen.

We went upstairs, they're pretty squeaky under pressure, and made it across the hall. I found the door closed, so I twisted the door handle and pushed, and let me tell you this: I sure as hell hope this isn't really Rocco's bedroom.

+ + +

It was cold. It was pitch black. It smelled like the doctor's office. And all I could hear was the pitter patter of rain, and the booming of thunder outside.

Perhaps Rose has been mistaken.

I felt the wall for a switch, quickly turned on the light, and gasped. I heard Logan take a sharp inhale of air, and the door shut behind me.

And then again, perhaps Rose had led us there on purpose.

+ + +

My mouth hung open as I walked forward.  We found her.

There was Aura, her hands tied together, and hanging from the ceiling. Her hair was covering up most of her face, not that I would see it anyways since it was faced to the ground, her body was pale, and limp. I walked over slowly, but didn't fully process what was in front of me. This couldn't be Aura... It just didn't make sense. Nothing then made any sense.

Logan untied her, caught her, and laid her on the ground. "There's a pulse.." He whispered softly, and I crouched down. "Oh Aura.... I'm so sorry." Logan analyzed her eyes, and I figured that she must be unconscious. "Ok. I'm going to contact the police, you get Aura into the car..." I walked over, and twisted the handle. Shit.

Of course the door would be locked! Why would Rose led them into the same room as Aura's unconscious body, and then just let us go? How could I have missed it! I flipped open my phone, and cussed under my breath. No freaking signal. "Logan..." I said, turning around. "I think we might be in some deep stuff."

He got up, walked by the door, and gave it a firm tug. He punched it with the Hypothenar aspect of his hand, leaned on it, and sighed. After a few long moments he spoke. "I thought we were past this." He said, and I sat down on the floor. "I know. With Mirabelle gone I would've never expected this to happen again." He shook his head, and turned to me. "No, not that."

I leaned forward, curious. What on earth was he talking out? When he noticed I was confused, he continued. "I thought we were past the lying." I drew back, what was he talking about? "Logan,... what the fuck?" He stared me down, furious. "I thought I knew you! I trusted you!"

I stood up, "Logan, what are you on?! You're not making any freaking sense!" He turned around, and walked by Aura. "Out of all of the people, I wouldn't think I'd be you. I wouldn't think that you'd be able to walk right up to a person, lie to their face, and live and laugh about it."

I was shocked, a little scared, but now just angry. "What the FUCK Logan? What the FUCK did I ever do to you? You have no FUCKING right to say shit about me, when I have no FUCKING idea what the hell your blabbing on about!" I told him, placing my hands on my hips.

Logan turned to look at me, his eyes glassy. "You're right Quinn. Or wait... That's not even your name... is it?"

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