Chapter Seis

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DOCTORS must have some type of magic mojo, because after Dr. Ella left, about 25 minutes later my father shuffled in. He looked uniquely concerned, and as awkward as ever. "Quinn, the Doctor here thinks this will help them find out what happened to you. If its just you, or.. something else. He says that it would help if he could record your daily habits, and if you were placed in a different environment. I have to say that this isn't mandatory, and you don't have to do this if you don't want to.."

I rolled my eyes, "Dad, just spit it out." He scratched his neck, "We were considering to let you have a sleepover at his house. He says that it'll help you recover, and that if you fully recover by the end of the school year, you'll come back home." I raised an eyebrow, pleased that he was buying it, but I knew that it wasn't over yet. I had to play my part. "And, you just going to let me... sleepover?" 

Dad looked me in the eye, "If that's what it takes to make a full recovery, then yes." I scratched my cheek, pretending I was thinking this over. "So I'll be back home in the summer?" I asked, and he nodded, "If you make a full recovery, and they find out exactly what happened, how, why, and how to prevent it from happening again."

I nodded, "Okay. Let's do it. If it'll help find out what happened to me... Then I'll do it." Dad smiled, proud of my bravery. Its kind of funny that he doesn't know that Dr. Ella and I planned it before even talking to him. "We're checking you out tomorrow, and you can pack your stuff, and head over to the Doc's place." I can't believe he's actually letting me do this.

"Dad, I don't want to go back in my room.. After what happened... You know?" Dad nodded slowly, "Yeah. You want me to pack your stuff for you?" I nodded, exactly.

"I'll have to ask Doc for directions, and after we've got all of your stuff I'll drop you off." I sneezed, "And are you sure mom's alright with this?" Dad looked uncomfortable, "I didn't want to worry you... So I didn't....I didn't tell you, but your mother was found unconscious in the backyard yesterday. She's alright now though, so don't worry."

My mouth opened in shock, "This is my MOTHER we're talking about! You should've told me sooner! But she's alright now... Right? She's breathing and smiling and talking, right?" Dad nodded, "Yes, Quinn, she's perfectly fine. I didn't think there'd be a reason to tell you, but you're right... You do have the right to know..."

I dropped my head in my hand, exhausted. "I'll let you go to sleep now." Dad told me, and left the room.


The next morning I woke up sweating buckets, my heart racing, and my throat the Sahara desert. I heard a knock on the door, and Dr. Ella walked in. "Sorry to wake you up this early, but-- What happened to you?" He stared at me, concern in his eyes. I shook my head, "Nothing. It was just a dream. I don't even remember what happened." He nodded, but didn't seem fully convinced.

"So your father is dropping you off at my place around 5, I gave him my address yesterday. Do you have any questions about it? I assume that your father told you everything yesterday." I nodded, "Just about. But there are a few things I'm wondering." Dr. Ella nodded, listening carefully.

"Do you have any pets?" Dr. Ella chuckled. Whats so funny? "We've got a dog named Roscoe, and a kitten named Rufus." I nodded, missing my own dog, Miška. "Is there anything I should know about? Allergies?" I shook my head, "I'm only allergic to bumble bee stings." He nodded, "Alright then. You're father should be picking you up shortly."

We chatted a bit before my father knocked on the door, and came in. "You're alright with staying with him, Quinn? You know you don't have to.." Dad helped me up out of the bed. "I'm not sure. I still don't know him very well.." I smirked, "But I'll be okay. I'll call you if anything." Dad gave me a pat on the back, "That's my girl. I already have all of your belongings packed." I looked up at dad. "Does MIrabelle know I'll be gone for the rest of the school year?" I asked innocently. He shook his head, "I don't think so. She's still hanging out at that Rosy's house. I'll tell her when she gets back.."

I stared at him, "Don't tell anyone dad. Anybody asks I'm at Gramama's house. This is my business, I'd just like to keep it between us. We don't want anyone else to worry." I was entirely serious, and I had to make sure that dad understood that. "Of course."

I gave a small smile, relief flooding through me. I wouldn't want Mirabelle to make an unexpected visit to Dr. Ella's house. Not only for my own safety, but for their's. Dad sighed, "So I suppose I'll be dropping Quinn around 5?" Dr. Ella smiled, "Five would be great."


After we checked out, Dad took me to iHop. I got chocolate chip pancakes, and gutted myself. Best. Breakfast. Ever.

Then, since it was only 1:00, Dad drove me to Lantern Maria Mall. (I got another pair of suspenders, shoulder bag, some clothes, and neon blue boots, by the way.) Then using his GPS, dad drove me to Dr. Ella's house. "If anything happens, call me and I'll pick you up. Don't hesitate, call me whenever. Where ever. Okay?" I nodded, irritated that he gave the same speech over and over and over.

 Then finally we arrived at the house. It was more of a lodge, with a wide forest surrounding it. I immediately fell in love with it. Everything was so open. Then Dr. Ella came outside, "Good evening." He said, and then shook my father's hand. Dr. Ella looked so much more... I dunno.. Human? Normal? He looked like a good old regular dude. "If you could help me load Quinn's possessions into my truck,.. and after everything is loaded we'll have a snack and head off." My father and I both shot him a quizzical look, "We'll be staying at my house.. It's further down, this is my mother's home. We'll grab a bite, and drive on,.. with your permission, of course."

Dad nodded, "Alright, but its best if I leave after we unpack your things, Quinn." I nodded, "Ok."

With help from Dr. Ella, packing my stuff in his (really hot and expensive) truck (that I don't know the name of) took less time than I expected to. I gave dad a squish, and felt my heart lurch as he drove off.

"C'mon inside, my mother made burritos.." Dr. Ella told me, and I followed him inside.

I instantly liked Mrs. Charlotta (Dr. Ella's mom). She was just one of those people who loved food, and just looked like a caring person. We stuffed ourselves, and got a bag of food for the road.

Dr. Ella got into the driver's seat of his truck, and I got into the passenger's. He started the truck, and we drove off into the woods. I was kind of anxious.. and nervous.. I mean I didn't really know the guy and he's taking me to the middle of nowhere.

Then Dr. Ella looked slightly uncomfortable, and that's when I knew I could trust him. "There's something I didn't mention.." He told me, choosing his words carefully. I swallowed, running things through my mind, trying to predict what he forgot to mention. "I'm not the only one at my house.." He told me, and I scoffed. "Yeah, you have Roscoe and Rufus..."

Dr. Ella nodded, "And Logan, too." I nodded along, discarding what he just said until it settled in. "A wh-at?"

Dr. Ella tapped his fingers on the steering wheel. "Logan's my son, but don't worry, he keeps to hiself." I nodded along, shocked. I wanted to ask about his wife, but knew it was none of my business.

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