Chapter Veinte

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The bullet flew out from the gun, but it wasn't aimed toward me. All I heard was the loud pop and echoing ring. Logan's eyes flipped wide open, and I could tell he was in a deep state of shock. His body jerked once as the bullet flew into his ribs. He looked down at the wound, already a bloody river, and pressed his hand against it. The breath was stolen from my lips. I quickly put Logan up against the wall, and took off his shirt to put over the wound. I kept swallowing, even though my throat was sandpaper. I didn't let my self register too much, like feelings, and mushy thoughts, just to get Logan out of this. The shirt was soaking up blood to the point where it's become saturated. I took off mine as well.

Thats when I saw Rosalinda laying flat down on the floor. Unconscious. I wanted to poke her, see what trick she was playing, but I didn't have the time. I had to find service, and call 911, because there's no way I could do this. I forced myself to speak, "Hey Logan. Keep your eyes open. Don't go to sleep. Keep 'em open. Open. Open. For me. I've gotta go make a call, I'll be back in a jiffy." I patted his cheek, and zipped out of the room. I noticed a shadow, walking the opposite direction, but I knew it wasn't the time to let curiosity get the better of me. Curiosity kill the crush.

I ran out of the house, and into the pouring rain, searching for a damn signal. As soon as I got something, it disappeared the second I lifted my phone to my ear. I couldn't let my phone get too wet, so I jumped into the car. Signal? Signal? Is there a damn signa- I got one! I got a bar! I dialed 911, but then realized THAT I DIDN'T KNOW THE DAMN ADDRESS! I searched around the house for the numbers, but it was raining too hard.

I hung up, I'm an idiot. Then I ran all the way back up stairs, and found Logan once more. "Logan! Hey LOGAN?" His eyes were closed. Fuggernugger! Fug! Fug! Fug! Fug!

OK. Let's drag him.

And drag him I did. All the way across the hall, more gently down the stairs, and I somewhat managed to put him in the car. There wasn't enough time to find Aura, sorry girl. I could barely see anything, which made driving difficult. I didn't have time to be careful with an injured passenger! Going down the hill, I realized that our trunk was opened, but there wasn't enough time to care about that.

I was shivering in my bra while Logan was dieing.


I pushed on the gas pedal, and went to the hospital as fast as I dared.

+ + +

I ran into the hospital, and immediately all eyes were on me. I mean, who wouldn't look? I'm a girl in a bra for heaven's sake. "Somebody help! My berfriend's got shot! I need help, I can't carry him, he's in the car!" The secretary stood up, and called some emergency doctors over. I showed them to Logan, and I told him about my friend at the wooden house in the woods. That got them to contact the police. Guess who showed up?

My dad.

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