Chapter Cuatro

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ONE of my father's closest bud's strangled me into his police car, sirens on, and pressed on the gas pedal. Thoughts raced in my mind, is Shouelle alright? Did they find Tuscan? Is Tuscan even alive? Who was that guy who rescued Shouelle? Was the guy who rescued Shouelle the same guy at Ambulance #54? And lastly, When I walk into my room, will Turf be making out with Mirabelle?

I dropped my head into my hands, tears stumbling down before I could catch my breath. I hadn't even realized that the car stopped until Officer Alonso Alvaro said, "You're home." In his Spanish accent. It kind of made me wonder how and why he knew where my house was, but I didn't ask. I was kind of hoping Officer Alonso Alvaro would open the door for me, but I didn't ask for that either.

I stumbled into the house, and noticed that the lights were off. Making my way into the kitchen, I noticed a tray of brownies, a cup of milk, and a note from Mom.


I'm at the hospital, apparently Mirabelle was in the building at the time of the fire. I hope everything is fine with your friend(s).


I stared at the note in disbelief. Is it a sin to not feel sorrow for your sister if she's currently in a critical condition? Is it bad to feel relief to know that you won't see your sister's face when you go up to your room? Is it terrible not to shed a tear, and to remain unaffected? Am I a rotten spirit?

I tried to feel emotion, because I kind of felt guilty when I didn't, but then I thought about it. Mirabelle wouldn't care less if I was in a hospital, why should I give a shit about her? But still.. I felt pretty awful...

I wanted to ignore the brownies on the table, but then I decided that nobody could, so I took one. Just one.

Okay maybe two... Or three.. But that's it. Really. I wasn't in the mood for milk, so I left it on the counter.

But then I felt awful again, because I wasn't worried about my sister who was in the hospital.

I walked up to our room, my room for the moment, and felt light a huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. I felt so incredibly free that I just plopped straight on to my bed with a sigh. My bed sank under my weight, and I felt like I was floating in bliss. If this is what it felt like to have your own room, then I want two.

No Mirabelle, no Turf, no worries. No Shouellle, no Tuscan, no fun. It isn't that hard to do the math.

Then the moment of relaxation faded, and I realized that I was missing something. I scanned my room carefully, and then remembered. Miška, my Norwich Terrier, was missing. Somebody had accidentally left the gates open, and it wasn't me. It wasn't my mom, and it wasn't dad. Who does that leave?

You betch'ya.

The smile on my lips faded, and I fell back into my bed. I was afraid to go to sleep, don't tell anybody, but I have terrible nightmares every time I escape into my unconsciousness. Then I wake up with my heart racing, my skin sweating, and wild hair. I think Mirabelle knows about my nightmares since she's a light sleeper, but if she does she hasn't made a comment about it. Yet.

I looked up at the ceiling, taking deep breaths, and praying that everyone was okay. Yes, even Mirabelle.

_____________♥ ♥ ♥_____________

Just as predicted, I woke up in the middle of the night, but this time was different. My blood rushed to my face, my hands were trembling, and my heart was beating so loud; a clock on steriods. I thought I could get up, get a cup of water or something, but I ended up falling on the cold, wooden floor. I cussed quietly, my body aching in places I didn't even know I had.

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