Chapter Quince

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For an instant, dark clouds covered the only source of illumination, and it was pitch-black. My heart hammered inside my chest, and I was locked in place. What is he going to do? I asked myself as I stepped forward, and looked behind the 'V' Tree.

There was a sudden gush of wind, and I took in a deep breath. There was a river of pale hair streaming down her back, one had on her hip, and perfect posture. She had attitude, confidence, and the desire to kill.

I felt my breath catch in my throat, but holding my breath wasn't going to save me now. There was a crumpled figure balled up in a pile of leaves. A pond of water laid underneath the balled figure, and I let out a sigh of relief. It definitely wasn't Aura, she was wearing a dress, and besides this figure was distinctly male.

My relief evaporated the next instant.


I was lurching forward when a hand pressed hard against my stomach and pushed me back. "Didn't I tell you to stay back there?" He whispered harshly into my ear. I didn't pay much attention to his words for I was outraged. How can she just come over here, pick of my friends, and torment them? This is unacceptable!

"Stay here, and this time, I mean it.." He said, only loud enough for me to hear. Then as swift as the rain, he sneaked up behind Mirabelle, and knocked her head flat out. She whipped around and before you can say 'Secs', they were engaged in a battle. Normally I would find it rude if a guy was fighting a girl, but this is Mirabelle so it doesn't count.

I had to give it to the kid, he's got some moves. As they continued their epic battle, I ran over to Rocco.

Except it wasn't Rocco.

It was Austin.

And that wasn't a puddle of water he was floating in... It was his blood. I nearly gagged.

"Its okay. Your going to be okay." I said, mostly to myself, as I turned him over to see what happened.

There was a dagger directly underneath his right Man Boob, and there was the gigantic gash with blood squirting out like a Mother Fugger. I don't know much about first aid, but thanks to good ole television, I do know that I need to remove the dagger, and put some type of pressure on the wound.

"This sucks.." I murmur, and pick up the pace. Mirabelle and the guy, I don't even know his name so I'm going to call him Finn, were still tussling. Finn aimed for the stomach, but then got his neck locked in Mirabelle's arms. "Jesus.." I whisper, and tell Austin to keep his shirt pressed against the gash.

Then I pick up two rocks. One gigantic one, and the other a lot slimmer. Taking the large stone, I felt its weight in my hand. I threw it up in the air a few times, and aimed for Mirabelle's head. Then I picked up my arm, and threw.

Naturally, I missed, and hit Finn straight in the head, only because Mirabelle decided to turn at the exact moment the rock flew from my hand. But, I must admit, that still was a pretty good throw. Except now Finn's gone, Austin's in ball formation, Aura and Rocco are on a romantic getaway, Logan is heating it up with the illegal Mexican Hawaiian chick, and I'm about to face off my sister. Joy.

"Long time no see, Lorry.." Mirabelle grinned, and took a few steps closer so we could get a better view of each other. "Last time I saw you, you were naked and were trying to peal my skin off." Mirabelle pressed a finger to her chin in mock thought, "Seems like something I would do.. Too bad it's not going to happen again, little sister. Play time is over." She grinned, and I nodded. "Its time for the tough stuff." I finished for her, and we circled around each other.

I counted the seconds while we glared into each other's eyes. "This is where it ends. Remember this face, its the last thing you'll see." Mirabelle told me, and I laughed. Even though I had a cast on, and my chances were below the acceptable, I still come back with comebacks.

"You were always good with procrastinating, Mirabelle. Always fancy with the threats. Its just that I barely see you in action." I tell her, and prepare for battle as the beast lurched forward and pounced.

We fell on the ground, and rolled in the dirt. I smeared dirt, and... mud? all over her face as we pushed to be on top. She yanked my head, and that's when I realized that the mud wasn't just mud. It was coming from Austin's puddle.

I didn't even have enough time to be disgusted, because Mirabelle bashed my head pretty well. Then she grabbed my arms, and squeezed them so hard I thought they would pop right out. That's when I took my small stone, jabbed her in the eyes, and shoved it down her throat. I threw in more dirt and even more rocks as Mirabelle's arms frantically waved around, grabbing thin air. 

In survival mode, I threw even more rocks and logs and branches with great force.

And when she stopped moving, I froze, a single crystal tear running down my dirty cheek.


Sticks and Stones will break my bones,

and my sister will never hurt me.


 Rest in peace, Mirabelle Gates.

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