t w e n t y o n e

Start from the beginning

"He loves me! You don't Bryson!"

"Well do you love him?"

"Yes! I'm just stupid, I'm so fucking stupid! How long was I asleep?"

"Bout an hour." He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

I snatched my phone heading towards the door. "Bry if you love me, you'll leave me alone please. I love him, not you. Please." I cried.


"Please Bryson!"

He threw his hands up in surrender. "Fine." I ran out of the house to my car. I looked in the mirror making sure I looked decent and pulled out of his driveway making the dreadful ride back home. I pulled out my phone seeing that I had no missed calls or text from Landon meaning he was probably busy and not at home.

As I finally made it to the house, I realized that he was in fact home and his car was parked in the driveway. I sighed feeling my eyes well up with tears. I quickly blinked them away and gave myself one final once over before getting out and making my way into the house.

As soon as I opened the door the aroma of some sort of pastry filled my nose along side the strong stench of marijuana. I inhaled it and slightly smiled walking into the kitchen.

"Hey baby." I smiled startling him and he turned around looking at me with a serious expression. His eyes were hooded and glossy indicating that he was indeed high.

"Hey, I facetimed you and you ain't answer-"

"Yeah, I lost track of time and my phone was on silent."

"Whatchu was doing again?"

"Photo workshop."


"Hm what?" I chuckled.

"Who else was there?"

"Nobody that I knew."

"Hm." He repeated again.

"Why you keep hm'ing me?"

"Follow me upstairs real quick."

"Okay." I whispered nodding my head. I followed closely behind him upstairs and into the bedroom we shared. Once we got up there he went into the closet coming back out with my suit case.

I stood in my spot utterly confused as he calmly began opening my drawers and placing my clothes in them.

"L-Landon what are you-"

"You ain't answer my FaceTime call." He chuckled.

"Yeah I know but I told you-"

"Bryson did. He answered the shit, showing you butt ass naked in bed next to him."

My heart dropped to my feet as I stared at him. "Baby I-"

"Don't say a motherfucking word to me cause I'm real fucking close to punching you dead in your shit. You blowing my high and you killing my calm so stop talking."

Me being the hard headed person I am decided that he needed to hear me out. "Lan-"

In the blink of an eye he'd dropped the suitcase and charged at me backing me into the wall. He cocked back and released a punch that landed into the wall right next to my head. His orbs change from brown to the darkest of blacks as his chest heaved up and down and his jaw clenched repeatedly. I didn't realize Bey was here until she came out of her room peaking into our room.

"Landon please don't hit her." She said obviously just as scared as I was.

"I'm sorry, don't hurt me please." I cried. "I'll leave, just please." I covered my face as I cried into my hands. He slowly backed away from me walking back over to my suit case. He picked it up hurling it at me, missing me by an inch.

"Get the fuck out!" He screamed with so much base in his voice my legs felt like they'd given up on me as I grabbed the suit case dashing down the stairs. Bey yelled my name but I never stopped to look back. I ran to my car and threw my suit case in the back. I got in the drivers seat and wasted no time peeling out of his parkway.

My phone was ringing off the hook and I knew it was Bey checking on me but I was in no mood to talk.

I drove to a dimmed park area and parked my car so I could cry and no one would see or hear me. I hit my steering wheel repeatedly breaking down into a fit of tears.

"I'm so stupid!" I cried dropping my head onto the steering wheel as I cried my entire life away. "I'm so sorry." I cried to no one in particular but praying that Landon could feel my apology.

My phone rang and Chris's name flashed across the screen. I sighed taking a deep breath before answering it.


"Where you at? I'm bringing you the rest of your stuff."

"Wait... huh?"

"You gotta get the rest of your shit up out my fucking crib!" Landon yelled through the phone as Chris sighed.

"Where you at so I can bring it to you."

"I don't want it.." I mumbled.

"She ont' want it bruh."

I heard Landon chuckling in the background and he said something inaudible.

As I spoke up to say something again the line fell silent indicating that he'd hung up. I pulled my phone from my ear and  my Instagram notifications started to buzz out of control as I was tagged in a post from the shade room. When I clicked on the video it was a video of Bryson and I in bed together as he placed kisses on my back.

"Landon and Savannah splitsville? New bae watch!" I threw my phone down crying into my steering wheel once again. My entire life felt as if it was crashing down all at once and I had no one to blame but myself.

Landon had obviously caught wind of the shade room post because he sent me a text soon after.

LanBae 💙👫: Don't respond to it.

Can you meet me please?

LanBae 💙👫: Fuck you Savannah, honestly.

I had no choice but to accept that. He had every right to be livid.

I know it may not seem this way but I love you so much, I promise you. I'm so sorry Landon.

He left the message on read and left me to sulk in my sorrows. I'd ruined everything once again.

Short and maybe boring but I wanted to give yal something. I'm so tired I cry.

School just 😩

- Yoyo ❤️

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