Request||Samuru||Living The Bitter Life||

Start from the beginning

"Why so serious?" the eldest girl muttered as she heard a door close. Once inside her room, she threw a random lotion bottle across the room. Some of its contents leaking out and created a scented lump of purple. "What the heck is his problem?! 'Oh! I'm sitting next to a prideful little shit! Bleh-bleh-narcissist my ass, fucktard" the (h/c) haired girl let loose some colorful words before she herself threw her body to her comfortable bed.

Pulling her phone out of her pocket, she checked her last messages with her ex-boyfriend/crush. "We are done" she read in a monotone voice. (Y/N) buried her face in her comforter and released an ear-splitting scream. "I HATE EVERYBODY!" her screams were muffled when she heard a knock. 

"Hey (N/N), someone's here" the muffled tone of her mother reached her ears as the girl lifted her head. "Coming" she replied and opened her door. Her mom flashed her a sad smile and pointed downstairs.

"They're in the living room" the woman whispered before disappearing to go to her room. (Y/N) felt her heart pound faster than normal. Judging by her mother's face, it was someone she wouldn't like. Setting foot on the first step of the stairs, she ascended silently. "Oh no! Are you fucking serous right now!?" reaching the last step of stairs, she screamed out locking eyes with a black haired male. "Look. I can explain" he started, before getting cut off by her forceful speech.

"We. Are. DONE! You said it yourself! Don't go running back to me and ask for another shot at us! There is no more 'us'. Get. Out. Now!!!" she tugged on his wrist and guided him toward the exit. "Never. Never come back! There's no such thing as forever for me and you!" she yelled at him and slammed the door loudly. (Y/N) released that heavy burden and collapsed on the floor. She started hiccuping and kicking the poor door. 

"Why me? Am I the only person who couldn't experience that thing called 'FOREVER'?!"


"I've got the eggs, steak, some nuggets. Oh! Some candy too" the (h/c) haired girl muttered as she neared the memorable bus stop. She took a sit at the farthest corner and sang some lyrics form her favorite songs. Again, not noticing a male sitting a meter away from her. "Ugh, you again?" a familiar voice asked. "Stop following me, you stalker!" the girl yelled out and started to go near the male and hit him with several light punches. 

"You inconsiderate little...wench" he muttered before standing up. 'Oh no, you done it this time (Y/N). You're screwed' (Y/N) took a few steps back before sprinting as far as she could. "Come back here!" he chased after the running girl.

They continued chasing and running, until they didn't notice the bus stopping and resumed its designated trip. The two finally stopped chasing and running after one another and rested on the bus stop's bench. Both panted and took deep breathes. The (h/c) haired girl took a glance at her wrist watch and screeched as she quickly stood up. 

"I missed the bus!!!"

She started mumbling and fidgeting in fear as she took all her stuff. She took and a deep breathe and yelled. "I-It's not like I...I care about you OR ANYTHING, YOU STALKER!! I-I am going home. I'm sorry! DON'T TAKE IT PERSONALLY! I-I'm... STUPID!!!" she sprinted off with a red face and started running home. Leaving the boy, amused. "She didn't even notice" he muttered, before starting his journey towards his house. 


Seeing that the both of them were bound to see each other at the bus stop, the male introduced himself as 'Samuru Shigami' and not 'mister stalker'. Both had some short conversations when they were waiting, but mostly what happened on that specific day. (Y/N) could say that they grew a little closer day by day. 

Yet, she would not and never will admit it. 


"Yeah, thanks for joining me here, (Y/N)" her older sister said, and handed the cashier some money and waited for the tickets. The siblings were at the mall to watch a recent 'romance' movie. The older (L/N) knew that it wasn't her little sister's cup of coffee.

But, it was just a trip outside their house. "Why did mom agree that I should get out of the house" (y/n) asked, rubbing her temples as they gave the  tickets to the guard in charge then went inside the cinema. "All for one, one for all. By the way, you didn't say 'There's no forever' when we entered the cinema. Oh! you finally got over him"

'Crap' the (h/c) girl thought before slipping a lie. "It's not like I found someone who's very handsome to get over him" she slapped herself, mentally. "Don't deny it! She has her forever! I'm so happy for you"

"Shut up."



'Missed again' he muttered before shooting at it again. "You shot a target twice Samuru. Is everything all right"his B-Daman asked, as the male sighed and removed the B-Daman from the platform. "I don't know. Just shut up and help yourself" he replied, and walked out of the arena. "I'm gonna rest for a while"

"There's obviously something wrong with you. Well, there's nothing I can do about that. You're just going to tell me to shut up" the dragon type sighed and waited for his usual snappy comeback. "Shut up"


"Mom what you mean by moving?! To Tokyo?!" the girl yelled as her mom fished through the massive boxes that loomed both of the figures. "It's just what you said. We're moving to Tokyo. Only for 6 years. It's not like we're not going to live their the rest for our life" she replied before pulling out a neon green suitcase. 

"6 years?! THAT'S LIKE MY WHOLE YOUTH!" the girl yelled out. "Just shut up and start packing your stuff and clothes. We're leaving in two days" with that said, (y/n) walked out of the attic and ran towards her room. "Oh my goodness. Tokyo from here. That's hella far" she muttered and burried her face in her comforters. 

"How could I tell him? Wait...Why do I care about him?! It's not like I like him or anything. His so arrogant and handsome. Argh! That makes it much worse!!!" she ruffled her hair aggressively. "Well, it's much better to do the most cliche thing in this situation" she stood up and took a piece of paper and a pen.


A teen with denim hair sat at the bus stop, waiting for a girl with (h/c) He waited for her. His eyes glossed over the place where she usually sits and found a neatly folded piece of paper. "To: My Stalker" he read out loud and opened the letter.

A face of surprise replaced his normal facade as he traced over every word she wrote. But something there caught his attention. 

'...I don't know why. But, I have the feeling I should tell you this. I had a boyfriend. And yet he wasn't the one for me. And when I met you. I had a strange sensation. I know we've just met , but I think you're the one. (Crap, this is getting cheesy :3) . I know that's super weird but, I had to get that off my chest. Feel free to comment on that. But remember this, through my bitter love life you've been the sweeter of it.

Samuru chuckled and folded the letter. After pushing the letter inside his pocket, the bus he waited arrived. He stood up and turned around to see the bench once more. "6 years, huh?" he asked himself, as he walked up the bus. 'So that's what's bothering me' he thought and sat on the same sit they sat on. 

"I'm falling in love..."


I dedicate this story to the one who requested this KawaiiSatsuki (sorry if it's not a school AU. I totally forgot) and my big brother CraftlordMageofIron. Onii-chan, this is for you and your love life. We're on the same boat. There's no forever!!! Ahahaha. I hope you guys like this. I am planning to do a soumate AU. For the poeple who know this AU, kudos to you. And I will continue writing for the minor characters. That's about it. I hope this isn't a little too fast and I hope reader is tsundere enough. . :3

Used Song:

If You Can't Hang - Sleeping With Sirens

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