Reggie||R.P.G ~Rocking Playing Games||

653 9 4


Edited on 4/16/16

"This competition is called the Fighting Festival . 5 players from each block will participate in this. This competition will test your speed, agility, and strength. You will be put into a computer-monitored arena. The location is like this" Takakura exclaimed, showing a illustration of a city with many buildings and streets,  it was slightly similar to the streets in France. Lots of decoration can be seen, since it's a festival.

"Players will run through those empty streets. The catch is, when you see another player. Immediately a platform appears.

The platform you went through will depend. Either Power, Rapid, or Control. We will only choose the 10 top players to the final round. This will be done in the next week. Due to many maintenance problems" he finished, as an announcer went up-stage.

"Here is a list of players participating in this competition. They are..."


Reggie walked towards the competition's venue. It's very obvious you see, he is one of the players who are going to participate. He never took these things completely or seriously. He just wanted to be number 1. But that spot was taken by Samuru. He thought this is his chance to change that.

He shook his head to maintain his focus and entered the arena.


"Well, everyone's here let's get started by the rules. There are only 3 rules." An announcer said. "1. Do not let your opponent win. A tie cannot be accepted as a point, 2. There is a score board and will show who is top 1-20, 3. Try to win. This competition can let you see heavy B-Daman secrets and unknown skills" he finished.

"Oh, what a mystery" Riki chimed as (sparkles surrounded him), he went to position.

Reggie silently growled and went to position.

"Players at their mark. Ready, set


Players rushed towards the arena. Reggie followed and saw. Most of the players were gone. He looked at each direction and thought where to run through. Until he heard blasting of marbles, he ran to the right side. The sound decreased as a hooded figure came out of no where. "Fancy seeing you here" the figure said as Reggie moved forward. "Touche, (l/n)" he sarcastically replied.

The girl 'tch'ed and removed her hood. "Don't get cocky with me, Mak. I can bet you easily" she flipped her hair at him mockingly, as a platform appeared.

"Your challenge is: Heaven Bridge Breaker"

Then a platform appeared. It was conjoined and longer than normal, so both can play. Side-by-Side and more harder. They both stood on their position. "You'll lose, Mak. I can feel it coursing through my veins" (y/n) said as he chuckled "Let's see"

"Ready, Aim, FIREBLAST!"

Both began shooting. (y/n) and Reggie have B-Daman types that are suitable for this kind of competition(if you have a power type b-daman. Please change it into a rapid or control type). It is was very easy now.

'Hehe, I'm going to win' Reggie thought as he reached the last target. He glanced at his opponent, a shadow casted over her eyes. He twitched lightly as the tension increased.

His spirit shot was ready. And so was hers.

"Emblem Charge: Tear it apart, Strike Cobra"

No Regrets, Just LOVE||Cross Fight B-Daman/Reader||Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ