Request||Samuru|| Confession Rehearsal|| AU

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This AU is from my one shot ||Sunset Yesterday||. Which means school so this AU is school style enjoy.

Edited on 04/24/16


[Sorry, I know it's sudden and all. But I liked you far too long to just stall]

Heart beating fast, she looked up and smiled. (y/n) clapped her hands and placed then on the back side of her head, as the flustered boy tried to take in everything she said. Denying the fact that it was for him. "Was it cute? Maybe a little or nah?" she asked the boy. Samuru scowled and turned to his other side.

"I don't care. And it sounds fine. Why did you ask me to judge for you".

"Cause I want you to loosen up or lighten up a little. Didn't it work? Are you still not smiling?".

[Hold on are you going to get serious]

"Let's go home, already" he pulled on her arm, not waiting for her reply. "But, let's take a detour. Then stop by a shop. I have to get something" the school girl said, looping their arms together.

"No problem..."


"Well it was technically meant for him but,...I guess he didn't notice" (y/n) sadly encouraged herself. Sinking into the warm waters of her bathtub.

"I wish you'd cheer for me. That's all"

Well, she had feelings. When I say feelings, LOVE in the whole air and breeze. Yep, she's in love. But Samuru. Cold looking cutie, wouldn't even noticed. She basically is rubbing it on face. Yet, no avail.

She was planning to confess on their monthsary of friendship. Perfect timing. To either make things awkward or be more than friends. But, in her gut feeling and brain, it would work out smoothly. Another side of her brain still said it was still going to fail.

"Are you planing to sleep their. Cause I smell like crap here"

"Finishing up, Lu"


"Why is the world doing this? I feel like it's telling me to say it already" (y/n) asked herself. Playing on her flip-phone. "Maybe, the more earlier. Less the awkwardness. No, more awkwardness" she argued and sighed sadly.

Even though she wanted the burden on her chest and heart gone, she loathed the idea of Samuru ignoring her for her entire school year. "Uggh, stupid first high school love, stupid puppy love" she murmured, closing her phone. Throwing it across the room, as it hit her forehead.

"ACK!!! Fine. TOMORROW. THANKS FOR THE SIGN WORLD! HE WOULDN'T EVEN RETURN MY FEELINGS!" she yelled at her ceiling and rubbed the sore spot on her forehead. The (e/c) eyed girl sighed and stared at her trembling hands. 'Tomorrow, it's finally going to be gone tomorrow. Think happy thoughts' her mind trailed off as she started getting ready for an 8-hour sleep

[If my heart is lying. He'll find out right away]


"(your horoscope)s are very lucky today. Whether on love, business, health and other stuff. If you have a goal today. I would say that you will have to do it today" the person on the screen said.

(y/n) puffed her cheeks while stuffing more rice in her mouth. "(your horoscope)s lucky item today is: an umbrella. Good luck in your way, today" he finished, waving good-bye as a green haired basketball player appeared holding a red umbrella (C'mon, you guys should already know who he is).

"Well, that proves it I'm doing it today" she muttered and standing up. "I know that I don't do this kind of stuff. But for safety measures" she paused stopping at a rack of different colored umbrellas. "I'll get you" she finished and grabbed the red umbrella with little hearts.

"And, I hate myself for this, I....will.....doll myself up. Just a little. A little goes a long way. IT'S an important day, after all" the (h/c) haired girl cringed at the word doll or to put it simply, Make-Up. It's the first time she put some chemicals on her face, it makes her face heavy. But she shall endure.

"Lu, where's your make-up kit?"


When she arrived at WBMA academy, she ran up to her bestfriend. Catching up to his pace. "Hey Samuru, your cheering on for me right? Or else~?" (y/n) blurted out suddenly. As if on cue, Samuru's face showed signs of disappointment, from her statement, but quickly covered it up by frowning. "......" Silence greeted her as he turned away, blending with the crowd

"Samuru! Wait!" she called for him, but kept on moving. His heart breaking with every step he took. His deep breathes in sync with the footsteps surrounding him. He quickly spotted the rest room for boys and got in. He locked the door and slid down. Tear were threatening to fall. 

Samuru, the known cold face boy, was crying over losing his best friend/crush to some great guy. He wasn't perfect, he wasn't smart. He was just talented, which was worthless. "So this is how it feels like when you like someone, who's blind with their feelings" he muttered, salty tears slipping from his once-rock-solid eyes.

'Damn it Samuru, pull it together. Your just assuming things. Your her best friend, support her! Just wait it out if it doesn't work' his mind argued with his heart. He remembered when he agreed in practising for her confession like it was like yesterday.

"I know, its been a long time time, but I really like you"

The chill he got when, she first said that. The full commitment in the sentence. But it was for the guy she liked, not him. 

After a few minutes of calming himself down, he got up and unlocked the door. The hallway was clean of students, which means class was about to start. He cleaned traces of tears on his face and ran to his first class


The sky was painted with red, yellow and orange. It was the end of the day.  (y/n) was looking for Samuru after his disappearance. It scared her a little and was thinking to back out. But her fortune said she was lucky, so it's now or never.

Holding the red umbrella, she looked for Samuru. And when he found him she sprinted and glomped him. "Samuru, don't go running off like that okay?" she said, burying her face in his uniform. His breath hitched and turned around to face her.

"Hey, about that question earlier. I'm really cheering for you...." tumbled from his mouth when...

[Sorry I know I've been lying and all. But, I like you far too long just to now hide]

He was shocked hearing the words she practiced on him. He couldn't believe it. (y/n) (l/n) returned his feelings. She looked at him expecting to be apologized at, but standing there. A rare smiling sewed it's way on his mouth.

"I like you...too"

She didn't need a split second to process what he said. Just the sound of 'like you' was all she needed. She brought her face on level with his. Leaning towards each other and collided.


 [Staring to pound, my heart beating loud
Can you hear the booming sound all around?
Starting to bring, my heart has a ring
And now, I hope you can hear the things it will sing]


Plot belongs to me

B-Daman characters are not mine

You belong to Samuru :3

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