So why did I care so much about him?

I was completely drained when my back hit the hard mattress I acquire from the Delta's daughter, Kalisa.

Kalisa wasn't as bad as the rest. She stayed to herself, the few times she came home from college for a visit to her Dad.

She was never apart of my tormentors, however she never did anything to stop them either.

I guess we all had our own problem that we need to deal with.

Tonight was different, I could close my eyes without feeling pain. So much so I didn't know when I drifted off into slumber.

Eyes blinking open as the sound of roosters in the far off distance, pierced through the calm morning air. Stretching and yawning as I took a look around my surroundings.

I was met back with the slightly dusty furniture that scantily occupied the room.

Without needing a clock I could tell that it was around five in the morning. Small floods of light began creeping up the window silhouette, trying to erase the darkness cast by the previous night.

I found myself heading off to the bathroom to wash up before I began working. Trepidation trudged within me as I thought about the cold shower awaiting me, a wild shiver cracked my petite body. Not even in the tub and I was already feeling cold. Hastily I stripped out of my oversized t-shirt and worn out shorts as I stepped into the

Within thirty minutes I was bathed, teeth brushed and in another oversized T-shirt and raggedy sweatpants. Once outside my safe haven, I began my day of abuse with deep intake of breath and I exhale in an attempt to shake my nerves.

It was eight forty five in the afternoon as i walked around the pack house I felt satisfied with my work. I was required to clean the entire downstairs section of the pack house, before his arrival at nine.

The Luna had informed me about his impending arrival after I brough her breakfast this morning. She has been on bedrest for the past few weeks, she was not handling this pregnancy too well. The Alpha feared for her and his pup's health that he has taken to work from the confines of their bedroom.

Since then I have been constantly cleaning every surface and hard to reach place in the pack house to ensure that everything was spotless.

My back and legs burned from the vigorous cleaning that I was subjected to, but it was worth it. The place was immaculate and you could even glimpse your reflection within the tiles.

It was about time for me to retire to my room when the door bell suddenly rang. I groaned in exhaustion as I had to descended from the steps as the ringing persisted.

This person was getting on my nerves as they kept buzzing the bell over and over again. I felt my blood boiled as a few pack mates passed the door uninterested with who the person might be that was seeking audience with us.

Assholes the whole lot of them. I found myself thinking as I hissed my teeth getting ready to pull the door.

Opening the door I was completely caught of guard by the multiple box stacked on top of one another neatly. Paying no tension to the person holding the box of pizza in front of me.

"Pizza delivery for a Ms. Blackrose ?" The nerdish God looking guy called out holding a box, I was still lost to why he was here.

Curiosity got the best of me and I asked, "how were you able to past the gate to even reach this far on the compound?"

With raised I eyebrow and no care in the world he states "oh those big gates that I passed out front? They were left wide open, which I am assuming shouldn't be as this here should be a gated community." I found myself nodding my head.

The Alpha's Mate (#JustWriteIt #FreshStart)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن