"Beloved, there are eyes everywhere," he spoke, his eyes never leaving her.

"Yes dear. Spying is something we're quite good at. However, no wolf in the pack usually gets as powerful as us, so they are never really sensed," she explained calmly, "Only the King's personal spies are trained very high, and they are used out in the field. The ones here are working up to that kind of training." He just stared at her, his mind distracted by her graceful movements, "You should bathe, Youko. It would be unwise to go see the King smelling like the forest."

He didn't need to be told twice. Smirking playfully, he joined her, enjoying her laugh as he disrupted her peace of mind in the baths.


King Ozora of the Wolf Clan was not a very experienced nor young wolf at all. He was the closest relative to Natsuko, and therefore, the only logical choice for the throne. Most were worried because of his age, if he was still capable of producing an heir, if he ever found a mate. Some wolves just wished for the joy of the hunt, finding a mate was another part of life he just wasn't into yet. The court feared that he would be a pup forever.

But Moriko Chie wasn't intimidated by his façade, nor was she fooled. This king had more than meets the eye, and she could see right through it. So as she stood there exchanging pleasantries that were just utterly boring, they waited. She was reintroduced to the high council, though she gave them very nasty glares. They weren't too much of a fan having a kistune in their territory, but they made the exception. All of them knew that they weren't on very good terms with the wolf.

But it was just as good. When everything formal was taken care of, they adjourned, going to a different room to speak privately. The three of them waited until the rest of the crowd was loud enough before the fox and the wolf could find out what this was all about.

"So, Ozora, tell me why you've called me here," said Moriko. The old wolf sat down, his years really catching up to him. His tail and hair were completely grey.

"Yes, let's get straight to the point. As you can see, I don't have many years left, Moriko," said the King.

"Why have you summoned her?" asked Youko, his voice hard. His golden eyes bore a vengeance on this place, and the King could sense it.

"The point was made. I don't have much time left in this world, no mate, and no heir. There are things going on in this world that I would not be able to control nor keep these people safe. You, Moriko, were the greatest ruler since King Yota and Queen Nishiko. You kept us out of trouble and we won every clan war that popped up. As I understand it, you kitsune's put up a great fight."

"I left my clan long before the wars broke out," said Youko, his gaze unrelenting.

Ozora nodded, "We need a ruler who can keep us alive, Moriko. One that can guarantee our survival. By technicality, since you are not dead, you are still Queen. And I would gladly leave everything in your capable hands."

"No," she said simply.


"No. I have left this life behind, I will no longer deal with petty and official affairs. I am free, Ozora, and I shall remain that way. As for that technicality, I shall instate you as Regent. Find a mate, Ozora, and have children quickly. If not, find someone you trust and adopt them. It is your only way out of this," she commanded, much like she would if she had remained. It seemed as if this life was not completely out of her yet.

"That still won't matter. If I am Regent, you are still considered the Queen."

"Only by title. It is empty while a Regent is around, I have no obligations, they are passed down to you."

EternityHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin