The Vampire Institution

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Hey this fic was Hi_Im_a_killjoy 's idea I'll shut up and explain .....

Frank iero a socially awkward
teenager with a Secret he is a vampire and he already knows that they either won't believe him and he'd be stuck in this damn mental asylum for the rest of his life or they would hunt him down and kill him, his parents nor friends knew about this ever since he was 6 he shut everyone out passing off as a normal 17 year old he's developed severe depression that his parents and doctors couldn't control and they had no idea why, so his parents, concerned for their sons life admitted him to Greenwall mental institution but what happened there no one ever saw coming...


Ever since he was 8 they thought he was crazy for believing in vampires and always talking about them so he shut himself away from everyone else and hid away ignoring them he knew that out there somewhere in this dark cruel world there were vampires he would never give up on this because they are real when he turned 18 everything changed...

Gerard's family grew concerned for his mental health and wellbeing thinking he was insane to believe in such a silly myth and admitted him to Greenwall proffensional mental care institution where he met the key to him proving that he isn't crazy and possibly the love of his life ...

But nothing is the way it seems....

Are You gonna Be The One To Save Us (Frerard)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon