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I have to say; I'm pretty much am in love with The Room of Spirit and Time. Because of it, I've grown stronger, surpassing heights I have never imagined I could. Gatar was powering up in an even faster pace then I and hate me if I'm being overconfident right now but I think this will make Cell willingly walk down hell.

I try out the Burēzubīmu (Blazed Beam) again and grin at how satisfyingly fast it was. It zaps out of my finger like a red and orange lightning bolt. Gatar taught me this in the morning and it was fairly easy to get the hang of it because it was basically a Ki blast but created by a Norvasain. So instead of just shooting out beams of my Ki, I combine my Ki with fire. Where is the fire from? Norvasains have everything to do with fire and it's within us as well, lit in the core of our heart and only diminishes as we die. It travels through our bodies, in our blood, and whenever our adrenaline pumps, we feel especially fired up.

Well, it took Gatar a while to tell me about the flame in my heart and it also took me a while to find it and work with it. I asked him angrily why he never taught me such rudimentary things from the beginning and he said, "You never asked."

Of course I didn't.

Having mastered Kichinitonda Neppa, Gatar teaches me Sotchū Nobi and it was difficult because he said and I quote, "Release all the raw emotions within you and let loose—but tame it for it will become out of anybody's control and may kill everybody. Yes, including you."

So here I am, trying so hard to get angry that I was hurting myself. My teeth are grinding together and I don't know I'm clenching my fists and straining my muscles. Frustrated growls slip out between pressed lips but I just couldn't get mad. I keep on thinking about the destruction of my home planet but it was not working. The images of it blowing up flash in my head over and over but I couldn't respond to it as if they were blank images. I couldn't react to it.

What's wrong with me? Even the loss of my family and planet can't get me angry. Could it be because I didn't see who destroyed Norvasa? I saw the silhouettes as a kid but now I can't remember it anymore because it's been 6 years!

"You can do it, Aster-san," Gatar says. "Imagine losing somebody very close to you. Like me...or Trunks."

That did something. As if I were ground with thousands of mines hidden underneath it, one of the bombs set off and I feel a rush of adrenaline and heat inside of me. I bring my fists together, bend over, and I scream, not letting the momentum slip. My body was starting to get very hot but strangely, it was not affecting me. But I could see Gatar taking a step back so I know it must be working.

But then, that was it. I drop the floor and pant heavily as the warmth dies away, leaving me in cold sweat.

"You almost had it," Gatar says. "You were emitting fire."

"O-Oh?" I huff. "Damn it. Getting angry hurts. My head is aching and...I feel hungry."

We sit down to lunch and I drink a lot of water to cool myself off.

"H-Hey, Gatar," I say. "H-How did you master Sotchū Nobi?"

Gatar stares at the table. "I channeled all of my emotions and strength into one thing—rage. Pure, boiling rage."

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