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Maybe you're wondering about how our dear Gatar looks so here it is, in the media. I do not own that fan art. Minus the scar though. And he's not supposed to look like a Saiyan. XD But it's the closest to what I had in mind. Sorry for the late update.

Beside Gatar is the first ever AMV I've done! I'm a little proud of it. It's super short though, a bit over 1 minute. It's just something I made for you guys since I didn't write out Gohan's fight with the Artificial Humans so I wanted to make it special by putting in scenes of the fight. Of course, I made it on mobile because the best software for these kind of stuff are to be paid for in the App Store (I have an Apple laptop and an Android phone, wtf) and I can't be bother to install anything else so it's not that great. Do tell me what you think of it!

You know...I haven't even written thirty parts for this book yet here I am, plotting the sequel. And is it wrong that I'm even more excited to write the sequel then this one? Excited as in terribly excited, the "oh-my-trunks-I-can't-wait-to-finish-the-first-book-to-write-the-second-one-and-I-hope-I-still-have-inspiration-by-then-or-all-my-great-plans-will-be-ruined" kind of excited. Because I'm known for leaving books discontinued forever with cliffhangers for my previous works for previous fandoms and I hope I don't do the same for FD. *sweats nervously*


"Wait, where are you going? Dad? Mom? Gatar, where are they going! Tell me!" I yank on Gatar's sleeve to get an answer out of him but everyone was silent.

It was nearing dawn and it was freezing but I stay rooted to the spot and stare firmly at my parents who were getting ready to climb into the large space pods. Dad was avoiding my eyes but Mom was looking at me strangely and her mouth quivers as if she's furiously chewing on the words she's trying to say but can't spit them out. Gatar is like a statue, unmoving by my side. They were all statues, rigid, colorless, and unresponsive.

Dad ducks into a space pod and I take a step forward but a hand clamps down on my shoulder, holding me back. Inside the space pod is dark but I see Dad's large, bright green eyes glistening, like two large emeralds. His face is paper white and he's never looked more tired. And old.

"Can I come?" I ask even when I know the answer. "Please? I won't annoy you; I just want to come along. Please let me come."

Mom walks toward me and puts her arms around me. I melt into her thick, furry coat and I relish the soothing warmth of my mother, only now realizing how much I missed my mother's embraces, full of affection. But the heat is drawn back from me, her hugs, the ephemera, always shortly enjoyed. Mom doesn't spare me a second glance and she gets into her space capsule, closing the door immediately. Dad's door closes too and I catch the last sight of his unhappy face.

I grip Gatar's icy hand tightly as the space pods soar into the pale orange sky of Norvasa and I feel emptiness in my chest.

"They'll come back," Gatar whispers to me, as if he senses my unease. "Very soon."

Gatar was right. They came back in the afternoon.


Trunks was biting on his nail.

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