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Wonderful news, guys! So in search of more awesome Trunks Briefs reads, I saw this book as the second result when I typed in "Trunks Briefs"! FIRST.RESULT. It's arranged by popularity and most accurate result and I was so shocked! Thank you guys so much for bringing me up there! It's so quick!

Sorry this is a very short one! But hey, I updated Chapter Five this morning! ^^ I made it short 'cause it's going to be the end of the movie The History of Trunks and the next chapter will follow the series, starting from Dragon Ball Z Episode 119, I think!


Today is the big day.

Two weeks had gone by, Trunks is entirely healed and exhilarated, and I'm a little anxious. Bulma gave me a jacket similar to Trunks's except that it's maroon and has Capsule Corp on the breast pocket instead of the arm. It was very comfortable and it was complete with multiple capsules that can come in handy.

I wake up a little earlier than Trunks and I poke my head into the inventing room. Bulma is snoring away, sleeping in a chair in a stiff sitting position. Deciding not wake her, I tiptoe towards the Time Machine and smile widely. It was fairly bigger than before with the additional seat.

I accidently hit my foot with a can of paint and it gives off a loud thuk! I hear a chair scraping on the floor. Bulma's awake.

"Good morning, Aster-kun!" She says. She walks towards the large windows that always seem to be shut and opens them. I cover my eyes as the striking sunlight pour into the room. She breathes in the fresh air outside and grins. "Today is a beautiful day."

I nod in agreement. "Shall I get Trunks?"

"Please," She smiles. "I'll have breakfast ready."

Waking up Trunks isn't the easiest task. If he hadn't been breathing or snoring, you'd think he's dead. Today, I have the perfect method. If dumping a bucketful of ice doesn't work, there is only one solution. I just hope he's a ticklish person.

Trunks is rolled over to the side so I sit on one edge and poke a finger in his waist. He doesn't move. I take a step further by screwing my fingers up and down his waist until he lets out a loud snort that sounds sort of like a laugh and rolls over on his back. His lips part and he grunts,

"Stop it, Mom,"

"Dude, get up," I bring my hand up, ready to slap him. Then I change my mind and punch him instead. Not hard enough to leave a bruise though but it made his eyes crack open instantly.

"Aster! What did you do that for?" He punches me back on the arm.

"Today is the day we go to the past, Trunks!" I say, rubbing my arm. "Get up. Bulma-san is making breakfast."

He sits up. "I'll get ready."

He slips off of the bed and staggers toward the bathroom, pulling his shirt over his head and throwing it to the floor as he shuts the door behind him. I sigh in relief. I fold our bed sheets — which has become a habit — and trot downstairs to have a good breakfast.

I sniff the air. The aroma was very familiar. I only had it once and it was a special treat at Norvasa. Something round, flat, and fluffy...pancakes! And there was a whiff of sweet, sweet syrup.

"Pancakes! Yay!" I cheer and grab one from the nearest plate. I stuff it into my mouth and let the softness sink into my tongue.

Bulma pouts. "I thought for you sure you'd have a look of surprise on your face. Cover your nose when you come down to breakfast next time!" She waves a spatula at me.

I laugh.

"Close your mouth when you eat, Aster-kun!"

"Is it just me or have you gone stricter?"

"No, it's you who's losing your manners!" She exclaims. "You were a well-behaved boy before and now look at you! I bet it's Trunks's influence."

I blink. Maybe Trunks is rubbing off on me. Definitely.

I pour syrup on my stack of pancakes and it cascades down the sides like a sticky, caramel-brown fountain. Trunks shuffles in fifteen minutes later and gasps at the mountain of the rare delight.

"Whoa!" Like I did, he grabs one and shovels it in his mouth. "Delicious!"

"I've learned the recipe long ago but never got the chance to make it!" Bulma giggles. "Do you want any blueberries to go with it?"

"Me! Me!"


I burp lowly behind my hand as we walk outside where the Time Machine was parked. Bulma is brimming with happiness, as we stand beside each other in similar jackets.

"I'm so proud of you both for doing this," She fishes in her pocket for something and drops it onto Trunks's open palm.

"That's the antidote for Goku?" Trunks questions and stows it away.

Bulma nods. "Don't lose it, okay?"

She turns to me. "Aster-kun, look after my son, will you? I don't know if he can take care of himself."

Trunks turns a light shade of red. "Mom, I'm seventeen."

"Whatever, Trunks," Bulma chuckles.

"Please take good of yourself as well, Bulma-san," I say and smile. "After all, you did the same for us."

"I promise I'll still be alive when you guys come back!" She adds a reassuring smile.

Trunks and I hop into our seats and the top of the Time Machine closes over our heads like an egg. We wave at Bulma through the mirror as we rise into the sky.

"I guess this is it," I breathe. My heart is pounding with excitement and I can feel my adrenaline pumping. "We're going to the past!"

Fatally Deceiving |DBZ & Mirai Trunks F.F|Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora