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"We're home!" I sing as we enter the house, dumping our jackets on the floor and stretching tiredly. "Bulma-san?"

A sleepy looking blue-haired woman clad in pale pink pajamas shuffles down the hallway, her eyes barely open. Bulma sees us and throws her arms around Trunks first, then hugging me tightly. I can hardly breathe.

"Thank goodness you're okay!" She says almost tearfully.

"Of course we're okay," I laugh. "I'm hungry."

"Of course you are," She winks.

"I demand lunch! Wait-breakfast!" Trunks yells and we walk into the kitchen.

Bulma starts preparing a good breakfast and Trunks and I made ourselves coffee. Bulma hums away at the stove after turning on the tiny kitchen radio on the countertop, occasionally shaking her hips to the sweet tune. Trunks and I smile each other knowingly. We can tell Bulma has been worried sick when we were gone, although it was a short period time.

"Eat to your heart's content, boys," She says and sets down plates and bowls of food filled to the brim. I shovel spoonfuls of hot steamed rice and chops of pork into my mouth, followed by a dozen sushi rolls and onigiri, and finish it off with Japanese pancakes, Okonomiyaki. Never have I felt this hungry. Never have I asked for a third helping.

"So," I say through a mouthful of sandwich. "How were you, Bulma-san?"

"You took care of yourself well, right?" Trunks asks worriedly, munching on a sausage.

"For sure! I'm still in one piece, aren't I?" She grins. "After eating, you boys better take showers. You smell."

I blink and sniff myself. I made a face.

"I call the bathroom first," Trunks says to me and disappears, a pair of chopsticks dropping onto the table with a tink.

I sigh. "He always does this,"


Sharing a bathroom with Trunks...I don't exactly know how to feel about it.

Trunks has a scent. Okay, everybody has a scent. But his was the kind that lingers somewhere and doesn't leave your nose alone. It was a mixture of new furniture, fresh earth, and a watered lawn (A/N What the hell). Yup.

The bed dips as I sit on the mattress, toying with the little curled strand of wet hair hanging down my forehead. It was hot. When were in the past, the temperature was soaring and our jackets were thick and our pants were baggy. I don't know if Trunks was sweating like a dog under all that but I was.

I lean against the pillow and close my eyes. I sink into the cool bedspread until I hear the door open and jets of steam spill out of the bathroom. Obviously, he turned the heater on too high and I was coughing from the heat.

"Geez, Trunks, you used up all the hot water, didn't you?!" I yell at him angrily.

Trunks lowers the towel from his hair and rolls his eyes. "Are you going to take a shower or what? You sure do complain a lot. Like a girl, Stara-chan." He smirks, stifling a laugh at the end.

Fatally Deceiving |DBZ & Mirai Trunks F.F|Where stories live. Discover now