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I'll be referring to Aster as "her"  (as in Author Notes, since it's in her P.O.V) but remember, she'll always be seen as a guy (Gatar's appearance). And she'll say "my body" but as Gatar's. Third Person's P.O.V will only be used'll see...and that's when it's "he". Keep that in mind or it gets confusing! ^^"


We will be arriving on Earth shortly, Aster-san. Aster-san?

Hmm? Oh, that's wonderful, I reply sleepily. I rub my eyes. They were stinging and hurting from being kept open for such a long time.

Earth draws in closer and closer until a portal opens up like a mouth right in front of us, slapping me out of my drowsiness. The light was blinding but Gatar encourages me to go through and says it was the path to the future. I enter the portal and as if down a chute, we dive into a swirling pool of grey, churning black and white.

Gatar, are you sure this is safe? I shout to him through my mind.

Absolutely, Aster-san.

Strange enough, the rapid swirling doesn't make me feel dizzy but rather anxious. An invisible force pushes me into the whirling pool and suddenly, I drop onto a very jagged and hard surface on my face.

We are in the future now, Aster-san, Gatar informs me.

I prop myself up on one elbow and realize it was bleeding. A rock had cut me deeply but the dreadful sight surrounding me steals my attention.

It was total wreckage, as if debris was raining very heavily all week. The whole place was thoroughly obliterated and there was hardly a sign of somebody living. The Artificial Humans flash in my head. I grit my teeth in anguish.

Is this the work of the Artificial Humans?

I am afraid so.

Suddenly, my ears were attacked by a long, bloodcurdling, pained scream that could be heard from across the world. My whole body freezes and my adrenaline pumps in tremor. It was a horrible sound, a sound of a person tortured mercilessly. It was a stab to the chest. The screams die away and a strong yellow light glows a distance away.

Aster-san! Somebody is in trouble. We have to help them. Gatar yells.

I run as fast as I could towards the source of light. My heart is hammering and I feel like I'm trapped in a nightmare. It wasn't me suffering but the thoughts alone send chills down my spine.

I gasp as I see it with my own eyes.

There was no doubt.

It was the Artificial Humans.

One of them has black hair and the other had blonde. They were both dressed in casual attires and you would mistaken them for good-looking teenagers but you'll regret it when they rip out your heart. They aren't real. They are artificial.

Maniacal grins are stretched across their faces as they hover above a fallen black-haired fighter.

"YOU MONSTERS!" I shriek at them without a second thought, fists clenched and teeth grinded. "How could you?!"

Fatally Deceiving |DBZ & Mirai Trunks F.F|Where stories live. Discover now