Chapter XXVI, Amelia

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I stare at my father as he laughs, what? Does he think he's funny or something? The guy kidnapped my mother and sister! He's lucky I don't burn his stupid face. 

I let the ball of fire in my hand go out, it's light enough in here to see.

I step forward and before my courage goes back up the tunnel, "Where is my mother? Where is Ashlynn?" I demand. My father just laughs, "Brave words Amelia." He says and I ball up my fists.

I can feel flames shooting out of my scalp and is flowing down my hair. I hear the other three come around stand beside me. Dawson on my left, Kriss on my right and Alex on her right. I feel just a bit braver with them standing beside me. 

My father laughs at us, "You really think that three element children and a human can beat me? I have followers you know. They will fight beside me, if you resist; I will have everyone of you killed." I can feel electricity going up and down my spine.

Dawson looks at me, he will get out of this. I swear it, I wouldn't let him die. 

"If you join me Amelia, I will give you your sister back." My father says. "What about my mother?" I demand. Dad just shrugs, "She died in the struggle." 

Everything slows down.

My mother?



No no no no no NO!

We were safe, she kept us safe. She's fine, he's lying.

"She can't be." I croak, "Oh she is." My father says dismissively. 

I'm frozen.

Dawson leans over and takes my hand, his hands are sweaty and I can barely hold back the flow of electricity that wants out. Kriss sees this and grabs both Alex and Dawson around their waists and flies into the air.

I scream and let out all the electricity, directing it towards my father.

Where did this electricity come from? I can control the elements, not the weather. 

Whatever, as long as my father feels the same amount of pain that I do. I feel like I will bleed to death, I've been stabbed over and over and I will bleed out.

My mother can't be dead. 

He was lying.

He has to be.

If she is dead I will cause this thing so much pain that he will understand what is going on inside me right. Just a hint of of the horror inside me.

I watch my father writhe, I feel a sense of satisfaction. He is blasted off his feet and I fall back too.  

Then he get's back to his feet. I stare at him, I can just tell that there was enough voltage in that shock to fry the entire continent. That is even if we were above ground.

"You forget daughter that I have the same talents as you." I bristle at his words.

"No." He looks surprised, "No what?" He asks. "No, I am not your daughter. If you were my real father you wouldn't have left, you wouldn't have killed my mother, you wouldn't have kidnapped my sister and you wouldn't be bloody threatening me!" My voice has risen to a scream.

"I am Ashton Tessera," He says, "I am your father." I shake my head. "No you're not."

He snaps his fingers and a bunch of men come into the room. They carry swords and I know they will obey my father.

"Kill the three spare, bring my daughter." I have no bolts of electricity left so I summon daggers of ice and hurl them at the army. Kriss lands and Alex copies what I did, Kriss knocks them off their feet with a gust of wind. Dawson stands there looking like he want to do something.

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