Chapter VIII, Amelia

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Oh my god.

I am going to the Halloween dance with Dawson Martin. 

What the heck was I thinking? Why did I say yes? Oh bloody hell, what should I do? I reach out and push the door to my house open. 

My mother is in the kitchen when I walk in. "Hey." She says looking up from the dishes she's washing in the sink. I smile but I really want to do is run around screaming my head off. I am so stupid!

"What's wrong?" Mom asks. I stare at her and then burst into tears and tell her everything. How I'm going to the dance with Dawson, that I really like him, how scared I am that I'll hurt him, EVERYTHING.

Mom puts her arms around me. "Amelia, you can control your powers now. You won't hurt  Dawson." I still continue to cry. Mom hugs me tightly, "Amelia, I know you're scared but falling in love is all part of growing up." I glare at her.

"I am not is love with Dawson!" I tell her. I can tell that she doesn't believe me.

"Amelia, I know what it' like to fall in love." I sometimes forget that mom and dad were married, that she loved him too. Then I remember that I caused him to leave. I killed all those people and he couldn't stand to admit that I was his daughter. 

I destroyed our family, I know that I couldn't control my powers yet but it was still my fault. Mom and Ashlynn don't blame me but they should. 

Mom breaks the silence, "So when are you going to get your costume?" I shrug, "I don't know." Mom sighs, "Why don't you and Kriss go together?" I shrug. Mom has always given us allowances so I tend to have a lot of money, I don't spend much of it. 

I leave and go up to my room, I pull out my phone and text Kriss.

Amelia: Kriss?
Kriss: what's up?
Amelia: Dawson asked me 2 the Halloween dance
Kriss: omigod! i knew he would!
Amelia: what should i go as?
Kriss: i dunno
Amelia: what r u going as?
Kriss: not sure yet
Amelia: oh
Kriss: we could get costumes together
Amelia: ok
Kriss: usually the other girls would come 2 but they already have theirs
Amelia: just the 2 of us then?
Kriss: yep, cool with u?
Amelia: of course
Kriss: we could go this weekend 
Amelia: sure
Kriss: gr8! cu tomorrow
Amelia: cu

Oh what have I gotten myself into?

Ashlynn pokes her head into my room. "Hey." She says. I smile, "Come in." Ashlynn walks over and sits on my bed.

"Are you okay?" I ask her, Ashlynn curls up beside me. "Yeah, I just wanted some sister time." I smile and pull her close.

Ashlynn can always make me smile, she also makes me feel the most guilt. If I hadn't screwed up then she could have lived in one place for a long time, now mom thinks we need to keep moving. I made things so much harder for her. 

At school Dawson and I ignore each other, Kriss tries to get us to talk but we can't meet each other's eyes.

Kriss and I agree to meet on Saturday at this really cool Halloween store. It's the first time I have ever hung out with a friend. It's kind of sad.

Everyone has finally convinced me to try out for the swim team. I will tryout on Friday. 

It's amazing how having friends can make school a much better experience. Time tends to fly and soon I am by the pool getting ready to race the team. If I can win against at least one of them I am on the team.

I race Dawson to start with, then Alex and then Kriss. Each one is a little slower than the one before, to make things more fair for me. Dawson is the fastest one on the team, actually there is no doubt that I can get on the team. With my powers it's easy, I'm faster even without them.

Dawson and I are lined up at the edge of the pool waiting for the signal to dive into the pool. Tweet. We dive in. My arms and legs move on their own almost and I smile as I shoot through the pool. I peer through my goggles so I can see the end of the pool coming.

I kick harder, this feels so good. To just let go and swim.

I make it to the end of the pool before Dawson and I find myself grinning. I win against Alex and Kriss too. I made the team, I'll join practices in the mornings now. 

Ashlynn squeals with delight when I tell her and mom about making the team. Mom couldn't look more proud if she tried. I must say that I am rather pleased with myself.

Mom smiles and presses a credit card into my hand. "I think you deserve a little reward, plus this way you don't have to keep track of cash." I give her a smile, mom is just so pleased that I'm making friends and am going to the dance with Dawson.

I lay in bed and think over everything that has happened since we arrived here, I have tried so hard to push everyone away but for some reason Kriss, Dawson and the others refused to give up on me. I wish I knew why.

I'm waiting on our front porch when Kriss drives up, "Hey." She says. I stand up and climb in the car.

"So you have any idea about what you want to be?" Kriss asks. I shrug, "I want to see what they have first." Kriss nods, "I do the same thing every year."

We chat about random things until we reach the Halloween costume store. 

My mouth drops open when we walk through the door, "Whoa!" I whisper. Kriss laughs, "Doesn't disappoint, does it?" She asks. The shop is totally decked out with Halloween decorations, I love it.  

"Come on, let's look around." Kriss says grinning. I nod, the costumes are amazing and for low prices. We look around and laugh at some of the costumes. 

Kriss picks out three costumes to try on, a pirate dress, a elf leaf costume and a fairy dress. I look around with her and pick out three of my own to try on. A knightess costume (a female knight's dress), an assassin costume and a warrior princess. 

Kriss tries her costumes on first. I give my opinion on them and recommend the pirate dress. Kriss agrees and puts the other two back. 

"Alright, let's see your's now." Kriss says grinning. I try on the costumes and both Kriss and I agree on knightess costume. It's knee length with a white skirt and black, a red bodice and a chain mail hood. 

We both decide to wear fishnet tights. Kriss picks out shoes similar to Captain Hook's, I choose combat boots that reach to just below my knees. I add a long straight sword to my costume and Kriss adds a curved pirate's sword.

We drive home together, chatting about Halloween. I'm actually getting very excited about the dance. I'm not so sure I want to go with Dawson, I still have a small lingering fear of hurting him.

I thank Kriss for the fun and she smiles. "I told you that you needed friends." She says. I shrug, "I don't, you just make things nicer for me." Kriss laughs and drives off.

I can't wait for Halloween.

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