Chapter XIII, Dawson

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After the swim meet Amelia is treated with more respect for a few weeks then things seem to go back to the way they were and Amelia is tripped in the hallways, people whisper behind her back. I wish I could make things easier for her.

Ever since we tied for first at the swim meet, we have become the water couple. I have had more girls ask me out than ever in my whole life, I tell them all the same thing; I'm with Amelia. I don't need anyone else. They all walk away pissed off, now whispers follow me too.

Alex and Kriss act obvious to the whispers and hang out with Amelia and I anyway. Kriss isn't a lifeguard but she sometimes comes out to keep Alex or Amelia company. She and Amelia have become such close friends, if I didn't know better I would have thought they had known each other their whole lives.

I am planning a special first date for us, we haven't actually had a real date yet. I want to make it really special, I want Amelia to know that she is the only girl for me. I'll never want anyone but her. I have no ideas though, I'm going to need Alex and Kriss to help me. 

I just have to talk to them without Amelia finding out, easy. Right? 

I text Alex, Kriss might be with him so this could work.

Dawson: hey
Alex: s'up?
Dawson: Kriss there?
Alex: yeah
Kriss: hey Dawson
Dawson: is Amelia there 2?
Kriss: no, y?
Dawson: i need ur help
Alex: with what?
Dawson: I want 2 plan a really special 1st date 4 A and i
Kriss: cool, what can we do?
Dawson: i need ideas
Alex: dude, u have no ideas?
Dawson: yeah, that's what i typed
Kriss: ok, y don't u make her dinner?
Dawson: isn't that a bit simple?
Kriss: not at all, if u make her dinner she'll think its sweet
Alex: is that a hint 4 me?
Kriss: of course!
Dawson: what should i make?
Kriss: anything, pasta?
Dawson: ok, what else?
Alex: sing
Dawson: what?
Kriss: omg! of course!
Dawson: what!
Kriss: sing 2 her
Alex: ur a good singer dude
Kriss: all girls dream of their boyfriends singing 2 them
Alex: want me 2 sing 2 u?
Kriss: no, i've heard u sing
Alex: harsh
Dawson: what should i sing?
Alex: a song
Dawson: ha ha
Kriss: love song
Dawson: do u have any suggestions?
Kriss: no, u have 2 figure out which 1 will mean the most 2 her
Alex: girls sure have high expectations
Kriss: well gentleman don't have problems pleasing us
Alex: hey! i'm a gentleman!
Kriss: close enough
Dawson: ok, thanks 4 ur help
Alex: glad i could help
Dawson: dude u helped nothing
Alex: oh
Dawson: i was thanking Kriss
Alex: well as a girl, she understands better than i do
Dawson: no kidding!
Kriss: u 2 are kind of hopeless
Alex: well u keep us in line
Kriss: some 1 has 2
Alex: u know u love me
Dawson: ok well i'm going 2 go, u 2 make out or whatever
Alex: good idea
Dawson: yep, well bye
Kriss: u idiots
Alex: i'm ur idiot
Dawson: now i'm really leaving

I put my phone down on my nightstand and go over to my desk. I open my laptop and google "love songs" I look down the list, my face breaks into a smile when I see it. The song.   

I pull up youtube and get to work. I get out my guitar, which I haven't played in years and start working on accompaniment. I really hope Amelia will like this, if she doesn't, I'm going to egg Alex and Kriss's houses.

After a while I start googling recipes that I could possibly make. I consider what Amelia might like, funny, favourite food has never been a conversation we have had.

I decide to make our date happen on Friday night, that should work. No way I'm asking her out, like for real, over text or the phone. This has to be done in person.

Amelia is really easy to find, she's either: at home, at the pool, at the library, at my house or at school. Since she isn't at my house, the pool or school; I decide to start looking at the library since it's on the way to her house anyway. 

It's a nice day and I enjoy my walk, the library is huge. Amelia has said that our public library is the best one she has ever been in and Amelia has been to a lot of libraries. 

Still lurking at the back of my mind is the fear that Amelia isn't who she says she is, I haven't been able to find her online. I try not to worry too much, why would Amelia lie to me? I think she likes me as much as I like her.

I haven't told anyone about my suspicions, not even Alex. I wouldn't know how to start that conversation. I wouldn't want to either, Amelia just never posted anything online. That's not such a weird thing. Kriss obviously hasn't tried to look Amelia up or she would have noticed by now too, if you look up Amelia Holden, you get no results. 

I shake my head and open the door to the library. I walk through the rooms and floors looking for her, I eventually find Amelia on the top floor, sitting in a beanbag chair in a corner of the room. 

"Hey," I say and sit down beside her. Amelia looks up and smiles, "Hey." She says. Amelia closes her book, "What's up?" She asks. 

"Well we have been going out for a few weeks but we haven't really had a first date yet." Why the hell am I nervous? It's Amelia! 

"So are you busy on Friday night?" I hold my breath. Amelia frowns, "I don't know, what would we be doing?" My heart rate speeds up, "Um, dinner and a surprise." I say.

Amelia smiles, "I was joking, of course I'll come." I smile, "You almost made my heart stop!" I exclaim, Amelia's face suddenly pales. "I was joking Dawson." I laugh. Amelia joins in, we are both so afraid of making a mistake.

I flop down on the beanbag chair beside her, "So what are you reading?" I ask. Amelia smiles, "I am Number Four." I frown. "I think I saw the movie." I say. Amelia makes an exasperated sound.

"Dawson! You have to read the books! Watching the movie is not okay!" She breaks off watching me laugh at her. 

I look closely at Amelia, she has dark circles under her eyes and she has seemed tired. I reach out and take her hand.

"Hey," I whisper, "Are you okay?" Amelia nods. "Of course I am." She smiles but it's not the same smile I remember. This smile has a droop to it. I squeeze her hand.

"You know you don't have to hide anything from me, right? You can tell me anything." Amelia's eyes fill with tears at my words and my heart sinks.

She opens her mouth and then closes it. Her eyes look desperate as though she has a horrible secret that she just wants to let out but she doesn't know if she can trust me.

"Amelia." I whisper. I hold my arms out to her and she crawls into them, then the tears start. She cries silently into my chest. I hold her tight to me and stroke her hair.

"I don't sleep well anymore and I have to deal with all the hatred at school and-" She breaks off sobbing harder into my chest. I have no idea what to do, so I just hold her close and continue to stroke her hair. 

Amelia's breathing slows down after a while, I keep stroking her hair and holding her close. 

I realize after a while that Amelia has fallen asleep, I don't mind. I like the feeling of her curled up in my lap. I carefully move her so that she won't end up getting stiff. 

Eventually I doze off too.

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