That is what happens to people who don't do what Carter wants. That is what could happen to me. That is what has already happened to Reid, if not worse.

And now, as I sit at that same table.. next to Carter, staring into the emerald green eyes across from me, I'm more terrified then I've ever been. Because tonight, that is what could happen to Harry.

And it's all because of me.

"Remind me Styles..." Carter's voice breaks the silence filling the room. "How many points did you win by this evening?"

"Six." Harry's mouth forms a tight line as he sits back in his chair.

"Six." Carter repeats. "Six points. And how many were you supposed to win by?"

"There a reason you're asking me questions you already know the answer to?"

I suck in a sharp breath, widening my eyes at Harry. Though I admire the way he always stands up to Carter, it's foolish. Very very foolish.

"Answer the question." Carter orders, narrowing his eyes.


"The difference being?"

"Four, by my count."

"Wrong. The difference between two and six is that if you had won by two points like you'd agreed to do, we'd carry on to the next fight as usual. However, since you instead won by six points, we'll have to move forward a little differently."

"So you've lost your bet for this one fight." Harry scowls at him. "Double it for the next one and you'll have your money back."

"If only it was so simple."

"Seems to me it is."

"And how can I guarantee you'll win by the number of points I've instructed you to?"

"Cause I give you my word."

"You've given me your word before. If you'd kept it, we wouldn't be in this situation now would we?"

"I got carried away. It won't happen again."

Carter purses his lips, looking over Harry thoughtfully. "No, it won't. I'll see to that."

"You'll see to it?"


Harry sits up straighter, his posture stiffening as he matches Carter's gaze, "If you do anything to my family..."

Carter puts his hands up, effectively cutting Harry off. "I've no interest in hurting your family Styles. As long as you follow through on our agreement, I see no need to bother them further."

"However.." Carter goes on. "I feel some motivation is needed."

"Motivation?" Harry furrows his eyebrows. "I already said I'd do what you want. Tonight was a mistake, it won't happen again."

"I wouldn't except anything different." Carter nods, "That being said, I still don't feel you understand how serious I am. That needs to change. It has come to my attention you need to shown exactly who is in charge here."

Carter nods towards Viktor, who steps forward.

"You think you can threaten me physically you're wrong." Harry's jaw clenches. "And you can't scare me with this a.sshole. Pathetic you'd even try."

"I wouldn't think of harming you physically, we do need you to be able to fight in the ring don't we?" Carter smiles slightly before turning to me. "Everly darling, would you stand up please?"

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