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-This is the hair that Keiko is changing it to. Except the green is gonna be blue and the red will be brighter.-

Keiko's POV:

We all get into Emma's new car and drive to the mall. Jeff puts his arm around me and we go on Ifunny on his IPhone and we go to #CreepyPasta and we look at how the world has made them. Jeff laughs occasionally at what people make him do. "Hm. There are some pretty good artists out there. Some of these really look like me." I smile. "Yeah. I've even drawn you sometimes, but sometimes they never cameout very well. Hey BEN, did you know that you're the hardest CreepyPasta to draw?" "Really?" "Yeah! I could never get your ears and hat right. So I never really bothered. How come you chose Link as your host?" He stays silent. "Hm.. I dunno. I guess when I started to grow, and stuff,I noticed Link was a popular and favorite character. So I chose him. Plus, if I was going to become real, and not just a virus, I wanted to look good too,ya know? So I guess that's why I chose Link." I smile and nod. "I see. I understand. And I'm surprised that no one has asked about your ears." I lean forward and lift the beanie up and flick his hidden pointed ears. "Ow! Hey! When Emma and I go out, I always put a hat on so people don't see them." he rubs his ear, now turning pink. I giggle.

"Why? I like your ears. You shouldn't hide them. You shouldn't have to hide the way you look. If Emma likes them, and doesn't mind them, then neither should others. And plus, who cares what they say? There's nothing wrong with being different. In the way this society is starting to look, the world needs different.I mean, look at my eyes. I'm a black girl and I have bright blue eyes. That's really unusual in black people. People say I look weird, and I ignore them." The car stays silent and I look around and everyone is staring at me. I blush and twurl my hair around a finger. "Sorry..." I look down. "Why are you apologizing? That was amazing. Thank you, Keiko..." BEN turns to me and takes his beanie off and throws it to me and smiles, his eyes watering. My eyebrows raise and turns around and wipes his eyes. "BEN... Are you crying?" he nods. "Did I say something wrong?" he shakes his head. "Oh... O-okay.." I stay silent for the rest of the ride and put his beanie on.

We park in the parking lot and I get out and stretch. I wait until Jeff gets out of the car and grab my wallet off the floor of the car and close the door. I check my pockets and remember that I dropped it behind the club when Na-... Offenderman hit me and knocked me out. BEN looks at me and smiles. "Something wrong?" "My phone. I need a new one. Offenderman made me drop it when he knocked me out and brought me to the mansion." he nods and pats my shoulder. "It's okay. I can buy you a new one." I smile. "Aww, thanks but thats okay.. I think I got paid a long while ago, and I might be able to buy a new one." he shakes his head as Emma pulls Jack to the side and starts to put make up on his face. "Wait. Emma. Leave him. You don't need to put make up on him." she looks at me and shrugs and puts the make up back in her Grell bag and BEN looks back at me. "I'm buying you a phone and that's that! No buts!!" I giggle and Jeff puts his arm around me and we start walking towards the mall. God. Can you stop staring at me,Jack? I think as I feel his eyes on me as we walk into the mall and people part when they see BEN's ears and Jack's grey skin. I look at Emma and BEN's fingers intertwined together and I sigh softly and look around.

The first store we walk into was the Apple store and the first thing I see is a tv in the corner of the store and it has the news, talking about some girl that went missing a month ago. Wait...A month ago? A girl? I watch it from a distance and they show a picture of me. Holy shit. That's me! Jeff walks over to me and look at the tv. He then taps my shoulder and hands me his shades. "No, Jeff. I can't. You need them." "But you need them more. We don't want you to go. Please. Just put these on." i look at the shades and then the tv and then take them and put them on.

Jeff smiles and pulls me to BEN and Emma and BEN tells me to pick a phone. I look at them and think. Hmmmm.... "I don't know If I want an Iphone. They suck cus they break easily." Out of the corner of my eye I see an Apple employee perk his head up and push a little kid down and walk over to me, leaving then kid crying on the floor. I frown as he looks me up and down. Jeff growls and Jack comes up from behind him, towering a full foot over him and moves his shades up a bit and shows him his eyes the employee whimpers and backs away. I giggle and smile. "Let's go to the T-Mobile store. They have good phones." they all nod and BEN and Emma hold hands and my mind wanders to Offenderman and his soft, warm hands. I look away and fold my arms as we walk through the Mall and Jack puts his arm around me when a group of guys do a cat call at me. I roll my eyes one of them stops me. "Hey girl. Why don'tcha ditch the freak and come walk with me?" a black guy with too much axe and testosterone says to me. I scoff and look him up and down, checking out his different patterned baggy Nike pants. "Naw, Nigga... You look like a fuckin' parachute! Go away!" I say and his friends freak out and laugh at him and he stands there as Jack leads me away and we catch up to our friends and they stare at me, laughing at him too.

I smile and we walk intk the store and another guy from the group, and bright blonde boy with dark freckles and brown eyes steps in front of me as the others leave me behind and look around in the store. "Hey Baby... Why don'tcha come with me and we can have some fun in this mall?" he winks and pulls me to him by my hips. "Uhh, excuse me?" I push him away. "Do you understand? Are you stupid?" My eye twitches and I feel the rage boiling up inside me and I ball up my fists and I swing at him and he spins around and falls down. I growl and punch him multiple times in the face until my friends pull me off of him. I growl and fight them as he lays there, unconscious and bleeding from his mouth and nose. I look at the blood on my hands and wipe them on my shirt and go in the store calmly and pick out a Samsung Galaxy S6 and BEN pays for it and the guy quickly and fearfully shows us how to activate it and he turns it on for me and I give him my email so he can talk to me about my old contacts and getting then from my old AT&T service and other things and we walk out, leaving him and his friends by that spot and we rush as security comes over. We make it out in time and we hop in the car and Emma drives quickly out of the parking lot and back to the mansion.

The car ride there was silent. I look at my shaking, bloody hands and smile. I crack my knuckles as Emma parks in front of the mansion and she turns to me. "What the hell was that?!" she says to me. I look at her and shrug. "I dunno. He pissed me off and touched me." I unbuckle my seat belt. "I don't want to talk about it right now...."and I get out the car and knock on the door and Splendorman opens the door and grins. "Keiko! Omg I haven't seen you in forever! Sledny told me everything that's happened and I'm so sorry..." he kneels down and hugs me. I smile and pull away a bit. "Yeah, but I'm fine. I wanna go upstairs and change." he lets go and waves goodbye as everyone else walks into the mansion and closes the door as I go into Offenderman's room and close it and get Kik on my new phone and Ifunny and wait for them to download and start to take my clothes off. This is gonna be a looong day once Slendy finds out I nearly killed someone.

I change into a MCR shirt and my black sweats and grab my phone and put it my pocket and go to the bathroom to wash my hands and I look at my hair. Hm. The red is starting to fade. I dry my hands off and look up different hair dyes for my hair and I find the perfect one (the one in the pic) and I leave the bathroom.

"Trendorman?" i call out. It's silent for a second as Jeff and Jack come up the stairs and I hand Jeff his shades. "Thanks." i smile and Jack walks past me and my smile drops. I walk down the stairs and plop on the couch. Smile dog lays across my lap and Trendorman walks in front of me. "Oh. My. God. Your hair." I look up and then look at my hair. "What's wrong with it?" "It's stringy, lifeless, and boring. But, I will help you, because no one wants to die looking ugly do, they?" I feel my eyes burn with tears that start to drop from my face. Trendorman frowns sadly and kneels down to me. "I'm sorry hun. I didn't mean it. C'mon. I know just what to do!

°an hour later°

I look at my hair in the mirror. "Wow. It looks amazing!" "Hmph! Thank you!" i smile and look at my hair, and then stand and hug him and kiss his cold, hard cheek. He blushes and hugs me back. "You're welcome. Oh and don't ever forget..." he looks at me. "You're beautiful." i blush and smile and hug him again and leave his room and go into Offenderman's room. I check the time. 9:00.. Hm.. I better hit the hay. I yawn and stretch and say goodnight to everyone and go into Offenderman's room and close the door and plop on the bed and plug in my phone and fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.

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