The Wait

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-Mehh...I have a feeling that the last chapter wasn't very good....-

Keiko's POV:

I sleep and wake up, breathing heavily and look around the room. It's nighttime? I sit up and turn on the lamp on the Nightstand and run ny fingers through my sweaty hair and wipe my hands off and climb out of bed. "What happened?" i say as I walk to the window and open it, a cool gust of wind blows in and cools the hot room. I smile and walk out to the balcony andvlean against the rail and look out into the forest, listening to animal calls and the whistle of the wind.

The wind blows my hair in my face as I catch a glimpse of someone in the woods. I blink a few times and the person vanishes. "Huh. That was weird." i say to myself and look by feet, and notice a bunch of old cigarette butts and groan and pick them up and throw them away in the garbage can and I step on a glass wine bottle and cut my foot. "Ow! Shit! Ah fuck!!" i hop on my other foot, holding the bleeding foot up. Tears stream from my eyes and I hop to the door and go to the bathroom to clean it. I grab the alcohol, peroxide,tweezers and bandages start to clean the cuts.

°an hour of agonising pain°

I pour alcohol and peroxide on the cuts for the 7th time as E. Jack walks past the bathroom and comes in. "You okay?" he askes nervously. I nod. "Okay... Need help getting back to your room? I-i could carry you if you want..." he rubs the back of his neck and I look at him and look at my foot and nod. He smiles and helps me bandage the cuts after rubbing Neosporin on them, making me wince and he cleans up the stuff I got out and picks my up bridal style and turns the light off and walks me to my room. He lays me in bed and I look out for the broken bottle, but it's gone. Huh? Where'd it go?

I shrug it off and cover my face with the covers. "Close the door on your way out..." i mumble and the light goes out and the door closes and I sigh and close my eyes, but I feel something weight the bed down and I groan and Jack slides under the covers and I turn away and he cuddles me. I growl and he wraps his arms around me, his warm breath on my neck and I shiver.

He chuckles and kisses the back of my neck. "What do you want?" he stops and hugs me tighter. "Will you ever forgive me? I'm so sorry I hurt you. It's been a year now and I've been on your bad side. I really want to be your friend. If not that, then your acquaintance. But please..." he hugs me tighter. "I love you..." he whispers in my ear and my heart skips a beat and close my eyes and sigh. "Fine. I forgive you." i feel him hug me tighter and I sense him smile. "Thank you..." he starts to let go of me and get up. I sit up and grab his wrist. "Will you.... Stay with me? It's pretty cold tonight..." he smiles and he climbs back into the bed and hugs me, cuddling me. I smile and he kisses my neck and I fall asleep soon after.


I open my eyes and see Jack, smiling at me. "Happy Birthday..." I blush and hide my face in the pillow. He giggles and Sally opens the door and runs and jumps on the bwd, screaming "Wake up, Wake up,Wake up,Wake up!" she drives her knees into my sides and I yelp in pain and she stops. "I'm sorry. Did I hurt you?" "A little, but I'm fine." Her eyes water and I feel bad so I sit up and pull the blanket from under her and roar like a dinosaur and she squeals and giggles. "Raaawr! I'm gonna eat you!" i nibble on her sides and she screams and laughs, wiggling under the blanket. I stop and she wiggles from under the covers and runs out the room. I laugh and chase after her and I scoop her up and put her over my shoulder and run into the mansion loft and spin around, making her scream and laugh. "Ahhh! I'm getting dizzy!!" she laughs and I plop her onto the couch and she laughs and I plop next to her and we laugh together. She hugs me tight. "Sorry I jumped on you this morning. I was just excited to be back. I was staying at Uncle Splendorman's house for a bit and I'm back home! What's your name?" she smiles. I kiss her forehead. "My name is Keiko. I'm Offenderman's s- girl...friend..." I force a smile. She gasps and smiles and hugs me as Jeff walks into the room in black sweat and no shirt. "What's with all the yelling? I'm trying to get my beauty sleep!"I giggle and Sally runs to him and literally tackles him, hugging him. "JEFF! I MISSED YOU BIG BROTHER!!" she yells as Slenderman walks up the stairs. "Sally honey, go get cleaned up, I'll yake you to the park." she nods and runs off. I smile. "Hey, how about I take her? I know this park that no one goes to anymore cus it's supposed to be haunted. I used to actually go there before they put the graveyard next to it. It's not too far from here." he thinks about it and he hugs me. "Thank you. I was pretty busy today, so now I'll have more time for other things." he smiles and goes past me and down a hall way and into a room and closes the door. I smile and help Jeff up and then walk past Jack as he leaves my room and I close the door and grab my clothes and shower, then brush out my hair and let it air dry, cus I'm too effin' lazy to blow dry it.

After I get dressed I unplug my phone notce Emma kik'd me.

Me: Hey! Sorry I didn't reply! Just got out the shower! Taking Sally to the park...

Emma is typing....
Okay! Btw HAPPY B-DAY!

Me:Thanks, Em.. Don't tell anyone else, plz...

Emma is typing...
Hahaha! Too late! I told BEN and he's let everyone else know!

I groan and I rush with Sally out the house and Jeff follows us. "Hey Keiko!" Shite... "Happy birthday!" he hugs me. "Blehhh! Don't be so loud! Sally will hear you! I don't like people to mention my birthday..." he giggles and puts his arm around me and I smile and we walk to the park Sally starts to play. I sit on a headstone and Jeff plays with her.

I smile and I hear the rustle of leaves behind me and I look and nothing's there. Hm. Weird. I turn back around and watch them play and I smile and I message this new person who is under the name of Wine Drinker. I type in Hey... And put my phone in my jacket pocket when I feel someone grab me from behind and I scream. "JEFF!" Jeff then dashes towards me and pulls his knife out and the unknown person throws rocks at him and they drag me away as I fight and Jeff rubs after me and they throw me in the back of a pick up truck and hold me down and Jeff runs along the side of it as they drive through the forest and they knock Jeff off and he falls and rolls off. "JEFF!! HELP ME!!" he looks up at me and runs and I see Sally running after him, but they can't catch up and they disappear and I try to get out but one of them hits me in the back od the head with something hard and I pass out.

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