Boulevard Of Broken Dreams

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~Merry Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa/Ramadan, or whatever you persons celebrate! Have wonderful holiday!!~

Still Offenderman's POV:

Nathan..... Nathan... Please stop! Nathan! Y-you're hurting me! Stop! I don't want this! Please!*cries* I wanna go home! NATHAN!! I scream and wake up, panting heavily and look next to my bed and see Emma glaring down at me. "Good morning Em-" she pulls a crow bar from behind her back and wacks me in the jaw, sending a tooth or two flying out of my mouth. She yehn punches me in the place where my nose should be, and then slaps me in the same place where the crow bar hit me. "Ow! What the fuck, Emma! What was that for?!" I yell at her, rubbing my jaw. "For using my friend and then kidnapping her and locking her in the basement and then RAPING HER!!" she yells at me, her now blue hair falling her face.

"How did you find out?" "BEN told me.... After he left your room, he called me over and took the live feed from the camera you set up and used his laptop! You fucking raped her! I know that you're a Sex Offender, but she loved you! She had feelings for you, and you ignored it! How could you!?" she yells at me, dropping the crow bar. I sigh and look at my laptop. "You wouldn't understand... You have BEN, who loves you for you... No one could ever love me... Look at me... I'm a monster....  The last girl I fell for was scared when she Saw me.... It hurt so much.... I thought, 'What's wrong with me? Why can't she love me for what's on the inside, and not the outside?' -sigh- Look.... I can't help what I do... Okay? So just...." I sigh again and lay down under the blanket. "Just get out.... And leave me alone... Go back to your little boyfriend....Before I kill you both..."  I say and there's a moment of silence, and then I hear her sigh and mumble something under her breath and pick up the crow bar and leave, and close the door.

What's wrong with me? Why can't I find someone who loves me? For me? I think to myself and get up and turn my laptop to face me and then turn the volume up and see Keiko sleeping on the bed. -sigh- She's so beautiful.... Why am I like this? Why do I do this to women? I watch her sleep and she groans and whimpers, curling up in the blanket. She stretches and then sits up, wrapping the blanket around her body and looks down at her ripped up clothes and starts crying. My heart clenches seeing her in such dispair... Most girls who I do this with don't act like this... They usually bang on the door, crying for help....

I close the laptop and get up, leaving the bed and leaving the room and sneaking past the fam and going into the basement. I unlock it and walk in, seeing her shivering and crying in the farest corner in the room, holding the blanket around her body. "P-p-p-p-p-p-please don't hurt me." she whimpers. "Please.... " she sinks down onto the floor, crying. I look down and sigh and walk over to her. "NO! NO NO NO NO! DON'T COME NEAR ME! DON'T TOUCH ME!" she yells and holds her hand out, stopping me. I look at her, and stop, feeling my heart clench again. I sigh and go to her and she stands and I stand in front of her as she shakes hard out of fear. I use my finger tips to trace her jawline and she turns her head, whimpering. I turn her head back to me and she has tears running down her face. Her blue eyes sparkle brightly from the tears and sunlight. She sniffles and looks away again. "Please... Let me go... I won't tell anyone." "I'm sorry... But you're my slave now..." I pause, and she looks at me. "That voice... N-Nathan?" I rub my face with both hands and turn into my human form. "Yeah..." I sigh and turn back into my true form. I wait for her to scream, cry, anything. She just stand there, staring at me, shocked. She then looks down. "I know who and what you are. Sexual Offenderman. Brother of Slenderman, Trendorman, Splendorman." She doesn't look up at me. "I know how this goes. I'm your sex slave until you release me or..." she stops and sniffles. "Until I kill you..." she nods and goes to the bed and lays down. "Well, if I'm your sex slave... Do what you want." She drops the blanket, showing her naked body I sigh heavily and look down. "Go on! Do it!!" she yells at me. I use my tendrils to pick her up and I get on the bed and lay down on my back and then slowly set her down on top of me and slide in.

°two hours later°

We lay next to each other, her facing the wall, away from me. I pant softly and look at her, and sigh and sit up and start to leave. "Bring me clothes...." she say softly. "What?" "Bring me. My clothes." "From where?" "My apartment... You know where it is... The keys to it are in my ripped up jeans over there..." she points across the room. "Okay...." She lays there  in silence as I get up and go to them and then search for it as it falls from a pocket and hits the floor. I sigh and pick it up and go to the door and leave. I go upstairs and Jeff comes running past me and then screams when he sees me. "Fuck! Dude put some damn clothes on!!" he yells as he plops onto the couch. I roll my eyes and go upstairs and change into my human form and get dressed and leave out.

Keiko's POV:

What did I do to deserve this? I.... I hate him... No I don't.... This is what he does.... His... "Profession"... I wish I'd never met him...  I think as I stare blankly at the walls and curl up. I wonder how long he will keep me here... Days? Weeks? Months? Years?! Oh god! I... I'll never be able to go home.... See my friends and family.... What about Sacorra? She won't be able to afford to live in that apartment alone! What is she gonna do?~sigh~ Maybe if he lets me, maybe I can ssk Emma jf she wants to move in with her... She told me that she was looking for a place to stay, since Smiley tried to kill her and she can't stay here...  I just.... Want to go home....

~Hai!! ~

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