Chapter 18

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Dannielle and Laura were sitting in her house, school was over so it was safe to go home without being caught ditching. Laura and Dannielle had been talking all day, and it really cheered Laura up. Laura was going through her schoolbag when she founded two pieces of paper, "Oh my God!" she exclaimed.  

 "What is it?" asked Dannielle, walking over.  

 "The concert tickets! It's tonight, I completely forgot! We have to go!" Laura said.  

 "Me too! And I donno..." said Dannielle, unsure.  

 "We're going." said Laura, "It starts in two hours! Lets get ready!" Laura was excited.  

 "What seats do we have?" asked Dannielle.  

 "Front row!"  

 "Ugh, fine, I'll go!" 


 The girls got ready. They both curled their hair. Laura wore denim shorts with black fishnet tights, red converse, and a black tank top with her grey hoodie. She put on natural makeup, as usual, with a bit of black eyeliner.  

 Dannielle wore a black and white dress that went down to just above her knee, it was strapless, with skin coloured tights, black Vans and a white blazer. She also wore natural makeup with black eyeliner.  

 "I can't wait!" said Laura, enthusiastically.

Laura's mother dropped Dannielle and Laura to the concert, "Have a good time!" she said as they got out of the car.  

 "Thanks, mam." said Laura. 

 "I'll pick you up at eleven." her mother stated, and then drove off.  

 The ran to the door and showed their tickets, and were given backstage passes by the bouncer.

 "What're these?" Laura asked.  

 "Passes to get backstage, you can go before and after the show." the bouncer replied.  

 "Oh, okay." Laura said, a bit confused. Jamie had never mentioned anything about backstage passes.  

 They went backstage, where they were greeted by Jamie and the rest of his band members. "Laura, Dannielle, this is Ryan, my big brother, Ian, and Nash." he introduced.

  Ryan had short, bleach blonde hair, and brown eyes. He wall tall and slim, and looked friendly, Jamie resembled him a lot.

 Ian had long, wavy brown/black hair that reached his chin, he had bright blue eyes.

 Nash had short curly brown hair, and green eyes.

 "Hello." said everyone in unison.  

 "We're on soon," said Ryan, absentmindedly., "we should get set up." 

 The rest of the band agreed. "Oh, Laura, by the way," Jamie started, "someone's here to talk to you." 

 At that moment, Laura heard someone walk in the room, "Hey." she heard Connor say, awkwardly.  

 "Why is he here?" Laura said, turning around to Jamie.  

 "Laura, don't get mad at him, he's doing me a favour." Connor said, "I have to talk to you. Please listen." 

 "He begged me." said Jamie.  

 "Fine," Laura said, reluctantly. She turned to everyone, "can we have, you know, a moment?" 

 "Of course," said Ian, motioning for everyone to leave.  

 "I'll be at the seats." said Dannielle, leaving.  

 Everyone left, and only Connor and Laura were left in the room.  

 "You have five minutes." Laura said, "Explain." 

 "Right," Connor started, "well, where to start? Basically, I got grounded for getting into a fight in school, that day I asked you to meet me at KFC, so I decided to sneak out. But, I got caught sneaking out by my mom, and she grounded me for longer, and took my phone off me, so I couldn't text you to cancel." 

 Laura couldn't believe her ears, she was wrong about him. "But you're here tonight, even though you're grounded." 

 "I told my mom I was staying late for school, and then going to the library to study. I am so sorry for hurting you, Laura." he said.  

 "Connor, if you're lying-" Laura started, but she was interrupted by Connor's "I'm not." 

 "Okay." said Laura, unsure of what to say.  

 "So can I have another chance, tonight, please." he pleaded. 

 Laura didn't know what to say. She simply replied with, "It's not a date, Connor. I'm here for Dannielle tonight." 

 "I understand, friends?" he asked.  

 "Okay, friends." Laura smiled, "Lets go, the concert sounds like it's about to start. What seats do you have?" 

 Connor blushed, "Well, um, Jamie's a good friend of mine, and he ehm, kinda got me seats beside you." 

 Laura laughed, "Lets go then."

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