Chapter 16

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Laura got a seat at KFC and waited for Connor.  

 And waited.  

 And waited.  

 He promised me he'd show up, she thought to herself, checking her watch. Twenty past six. Maybe he's delayed, thought Laura.  

 He wasn't. She waited some more.  

 Half six.  

 Quarter to seven.  


 Ten past seven.  

 Twenty past seven.  

 Half seven.  

 He's not coming, Laura thought to herself, holding in her tears, he's stood me up. Even after telling me he'll definitely be here, he isn't coming.  

 She ran upstairs to the bathroom, and ran into a stall. She cried, she felt humiliated. He did this on purpose, for getting him beat up, she thought. She didn't think he was like that. She was crying when suddenly she heard a voice from outside the stall, "Hello?" she heard a friendly voice say, she recognised it, but couldn't match a face, "Are you okay?" 

 "Um, yeah"," replied Laura, drying her tears and sniffing, "I'm fine, thanks."  

 "You're Laura right?" the voice asked, "It's Chloe, Sam's girlfriend, we met once before, you're Connor'a girlfriend, right?" 

 Laura made a sound that was a mixed cry and laugh, "Oh God no, not now especially. This was his second chance, and he stood me up! I will never be his girlfriend." she said harshly.  

 "He stood you up?" Chloe sounded shocked, "I'm sure there was a good reason, he isn't like that." 

 "Well, he text me right before I left that he'd be here, but I waited over an hour and he still wasn't here. If he did get held up I wish he would have at least had the decency to text." 

 "I'm sure he had a good reason." Chloe repeated, "Come on out, we could hang out for the night, go shopping!"  

 "Um, I don't really shop." Laura said. 

 "Well it's never too late to start!" said Chloe, enthusiastically, "Well, except for when the shops start to close, then it's too late." she added, and Laura laughed. 

 They did as Chloe said, and went to almost every shop in the centre. Chloe got lovely shoes and a black skater skirt, and Laura got a nice dress that flowed down to her knees, she looked very girly in it. She liked it.  

 Laura and Chloe were talking and laughing when Laura checked the time. It was ten past eleven. "I gotta get home!" she said.  

 "Oh alright," said Chloe, "it was fun today. We should do it again sometime!" she added.  

 "Yeah," laughed Laura, "We should." 

 Chloe and Laura said their goodbyes and walked separate ways, it was a good day, even with getting stood up by Connor, Laura enjoyed herself.

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