Chapter 12

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I've messed everything up, thought Connor as he walked to Maths class. Kian wasn't talking to him, and now Laura wasn't either, or Dannielle, or half the school. He didn't see why he was being blamed for everything when it was Kian who kissed Dannielle, Kian who cheated on his girlfriend-well, now ex-girlfriend,-and when it was San who told Andrea about Dannielle and Kian. All them are to blame, Connor thought angrily, not me. They're the ones who are in the wrong, not me. He sighed, part sadly, part angrily.  

 Everyone glared at him in the hallway. Laura was popular, and for someone to hurt her like that was unheard of. The worst thing was, Laura didn't even tell anyone what had happened, it was Kian, his so-called 'best friend'. And Kian was the one who had done something wrong in the first place.  

 He couldn't wait for the day to be over, he wanted to just go home and sleep forever, the day had been exhausting.  

 "Hey, you!" Connor heard someone call, "I gotta talk to you!" 

 Connor spun around to see a gang of around four guys, all looking about the same age as him, standing behind him. He knew this wasn't good, "That's me." he said in a shaky voice.  

 "We heard what you did, not cool. Any of us would die to go on a date with Laura, and you got it and lied to her. That's disgusting, man." said the tallest one. He had long brown hair that stopped at his nose, and a side fringe that was died green and he had big brown eyes, the kind you'd see on a puppy. Only thing was, this guy wasn't an innocent puppy, he was vicious.  

 "Who told you that, let me guess, Kian, right? Well I'll tell you now that he's the one lying to everyone. I haven't done anything to Laura, either has Kian. It was Kian who lied to Dannielle." Connor explained, but the gang wasn't listening.  

 "Look Franta," a small guy with blonde hair and grey eyes spoke up, "you go near her, you even try to talk to her 'gain, you'll have us to answer too. So watch yet stop, Franta." The guy with the brown hair corrected him, "He means step. Other than that, his warning was right. Watch your step, Franta."  And with that, the gang walked off. 

 Connor couldn't take it, he had never been spoken to like that in his life, he swung for the blonde one, "Don't you ever speak to me like that," he yelled, hitting the blonde guy in the nose. His nose started gushing.  

 "Hitting one of my men, Franta?" asked a bigger guy with jet black hair.  

 "So what if I did?" asked Connor cheekily.  

 The black haired guy snapped, and punched Connor in the chest, winding him in the process. Connor dropped to the floor, and felt someone kick him in the stomach. He yelled in pain. He felt another kick in the face, and was sure he broke his nose. He tried to get up, but was overpowered by a kick to the back of the head. He passed out on the floor.

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