Chapter 58 Invincible; The Second Black Night part 4

Start from the beginning

It was then that the power began to die, letting Lynn know that she arrived at her destination. Nevertheless, the minute her eyes fell upon the scene, her skin paled.

"What...what is this? What happened here?" she asked in dismay.

A barren wasteland coated with the bodies of her comrades greeted her. The ground was scorched and debris laid everywhere. She could make out most of the people present. Terry was sprawled on the solid ground, a very good distances away, making no indication of movement as Saffron laid on his side completely unconscious with fresh scars all over his body.

On the opposite end to her was a pile of ash that blew with the wind, covering everyone—and it was then that she noticed Mia sobbing by Wyatt's unconscious body.

"Mia!" Lynn yelled in angst, but her sister simply lifted her gaze in shock.

"Lynn? Run!" it was the only thing she had heard before the presence tackled Lynn to the ground.

"You were looking for me?" Claire's voice rang in her head as her face collided with Lynn's angry eyes.

"Prove to me your power, Claire." Ezekias's voice sent chills down Lynn's spine, even more so than hearing Claire speak to her.

With an angry cry, Lynn used her knees to slam them against Claire's abdomen—repelling the shapeshifter. It was then that she took a fierce stance, as her eyes watched the fleeing witch.

"Mia! Go! Follow that bastard!" Lynn cried in anger, making Claire smirk.

"I'll take care of this bitch." That last particular phrase was low and stern, forcing Mia to take action. The young Angel sped away from Wyatt's body in a hasty flight after Ezekias.

"Is there nothing you wish to ask me?" Claire taunted, her short blond hair swaying with the wind as if an omen of the battle that was to come.

"En—" but Lynn did not ask her the questions she was curious about, for all her eyes could see was Darius.

And as her voice thundered throughout the skies, the power of her spell rushed to her body and released in the minute she finished wording it. "—Kidu!" The swordsman stance she took made her left leg crush the ground when the golden light reaped its way into her eyes and scimitars.

It was then that the powerful gust of wind swirled around her body, taking Lynn towards the shapeshifter in an angry assault.


When the scimitars flew into the air, Claire braced her body. Her eyes were shocked to see such a display of power, making the Templar satisfied with her antagonism.

"No!" Claire yelled, stretching her arms outwards to wrap them around the scimitars. She held off the assault but immediately regretted the action when the powerful blast of Enkidu let loose.

Her arms were scorched, making Claire retreat back as the ligaments fell before Lynn's feet.

The Templar, disgusted with the body parts, stepped on them with no mercy. Her deadly eyes fell on her foe.

"I will end you Claire, by creed of the Covenant and for all that is pure. Your tarnished soul shall be erased from this earth." Lynn stood with a powerful demeanor, raising one sword in the woman's direction, but the action did not make her waver.

"You will not get rid of me this easily." And before Lynn could do anything further, the arms she stepped on wrapped themselves all over her body. In that minute, the red-haired Templar realized the monstrosity she was facing. Before her eyes was another version of Claire, only her body was nimble without a shape, similar to Locke's molten form.

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