Happy Fucking birthday, Asshole.

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Months have passed since my parents re-wedding and honestly I've grown to accept it. Tanner has finally asked me to move in with him. Part of me is still a little skeptic about it, but I'll get use to sharing a bathroom room with him in no time.

I've been working non stop to help pay rent even though Tanner insisted I only pay for cable and gas only. But I refuse.

"So we meet again?" I can't help but slap myself mentally. I knew shopping in the Fort for my dress for the company party would cause me to run into him once more. "Listen before you run off and slap me I want you to know that I've been really thinking about you. I know you have this sort of resentment towards me, but Tayzley that doesn't cover up the feelings you know you have for me. I can see right through you're shield you try to put up when you're around me. It doesn't work. I want you Tayzley and if this is the last fucking time I get to see you then tell me to my face that you don't have feelings for me?"

The handful of dresses I've accumulated from Jcpenney are now on the floor at my feet. I'm speechless. Did he just confess his undying love to me or am I crazy. I can't tell if I'm crying and I have no fucking idea what I'm feeling in this particular moment.

The people around us have sure noticed the scene playing out in front of them. And I'm just standing here shaking slightly because I don't kmow what to say. I've been thinking about him too, a lot more than I should have. After that bad dream I had in the living room with Tanner months ago, trying to wake me and then running into him at Downtown, it's been hard not to.

"I have nothing to say to you Axle." Are the only words I manage to muster up through my tears. I'll look for a dress elsewhere I need to get away from him. It's never easy to get away when every damn time I try he just pulls me right back.

"You can not run away this time Tayzley. God please. I'm begging you to hear me out on this."

"What is there to hear Axle? God damn! Just leave me alone. I haven't seen you in months and here the fuck you are." I'm crying harder now. People around the mall fountain have noticed and started talking. I look a mess and here is purple haired me and tattooed Tarzan going at it for everyone to see.

"Tayzley I fucking love you for fucks sake. That piece of shit you call your boyfriend. Is a tool bag and I hope one day you realize that."

I scream and I don't care if the whole world is watching, I scream and step forward and push my hands into his chest. "Shut up, shut up, shut up!" I push him again and by the third time I'm being pulled back and the both of us are asked to take this outside.

But I don't wait for him to explain to the mall cops why we were fighting. I fast walk as fast as I can to my car and leave. The speed limit on 30 in 60 but I'm going 80 not caring if I get pulled over for reckless driving. I'd rather be there so I wouldn't have to deal with such fucking arrogance.

How fucking could he? Mess with my feelings like that. Why couldn't he just keep that to himself? Tanner hasn't even said it and he has the audacity to say it before him and fuck with my head?

I pull into Tanner's driveway and nearly sprint through the door. He shouldn't be him for the next few hours so I'm going to try to sleep this off and forget about it.

I kick off my shoes and wipe the tears from my eyes. I jump a little when I hear a grunting sound from the his bedroom. He must be home early. This is good he can distract me.

I tiptoe quietly so he doesn't hear me but as I get closer to his door I hear him grunting harder. But what hurts the most is when I hear a familiar voice scream yes harder baby. I almost want to turn around and never come back, I almost want to puke because I fucking knew it. I had a feeling, but I didn't want to believe it.

I push the door open hard enough so the lock flies into the wall leaving a dent, catching their attention immediately.

"Do you remember when you said if you ever gave me a reason to leave you I should run?" My eyes falter to my feet, my chest stinging with pain.

Its stings even more when my now ex best friend lies there with shock across her face and his damn sheets covering up her chest.

"Yes.." he says with hesitation. Moving to the edge of the bed pulling on his pants.

"Well I'm running. I'm running far away. From not only you, but you too Bells. " I look at my best friend. "I fucking had no idea. No clue you would even do such a thing. Hurt your best friend like this? Let alone cheat on the man who loves you dearly!" Tears well at my eyes, but I attempt to hold them back.

I fear my anger will get the best of me and I'll lunge at the both of them, slamming their pretty cheating faces against the wood panels of his bed fame. Holding back is what I have to do because its not worth it anymore.

They aren't worth it anymore.

"Tayzley please its--"

Holding my hand up and shaking my head stops him from spitting out anymore lies. "Please, save it. Don't even dare to say 'it's not what it looks like.' Because for fucks sakes Tanner you had your fucking dirty dick almost coming out of her mouth It's exactly what it looks like." I turn around to leave his room for one last time, but stop myself, turning to face him.

"Oh and Tanner?"


"Happy fucking birthday, asshole." With that I pull out the tickets for the Blackhawks game out of my dresser from underneath my panties and toss them to the ground where they belong, leaving every moment we ever shared together behind.

(That's it.....this concludes the Bar stool. I'm actually very proud of this ending. I know it's been forever since I've updated or wrote anything, but I found my inspiration again. They know who they are. There will be a second book. I haven't figured out a name for that one just yet, but once I do you guys will be the first to know as always. I really and so sorry I haven't updated in sow long and I'm sure I've lost a shit ton of readers but that okay. I still love all of you. Let me know what you thought!)

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