So help me god, I will yell stranger danger

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My clothes are still wet as we step outside and wait for the bouncer to warm up the car and take us home.

Mike ended up losing the game like I called it so I won twenty bucks. Woo... Shortly after that Bobby and him left to go find where Tanner went off to.

My lips are still tingling from the touch of his, my heart slightly hurts because he didn't even say goodbye or even ask me for my number.

Who says he wanted your number Tayzley look at you. He doesn't want a woman like you.

Most peoples subconscious tell them not to do something they know is wrong. Nope. Mine is my evil twin. She hates me, despises my body and the way I look.

Which is why half the time I can't look at myself in the mirror. Part of me knows I'm beautiful, but they other knows I'm not.

She's probably right. He probably only kissed me because he was drinking. Or he felt bad.

When the car pulls up I climb inside, my body numb from the cold. As he drives us home he talks about some obnoxious story that I try my best to tune out as I give him directions to my house.

Tomorrow is another day Tayzley. I tell myself. Tomorrow is another day for sure...


Beams of the bright sun sneak through my curtain and cover my eyes as I roll over onto my back.

Carly is beside me snoring as she always has since I've known her. My phone is vibrating the crazy from under my pillow causing me to curse at it.

Pulling it out I see that Jules is calling me.

"Hello..." I groan rubbing my eyes.

"Shit, I knew I would wake you. I'm so sorry Tayzley, but Harley can't make it in today can you please come in." I groan again rolling back over on my stomach, my face planting into my pillow. Part of me wants to scream into it, but my head hurts so damn bad.

"Sure, but I need coffee and ibuprofen. Please."

"Of course Tay! On it. See you soon." I could never say no to Jules, she been nothing but amazing to me, plus she's one of my good friends.

Once I roll out of bed, its ten-thirty. I keep all the lights off on the way down to the bathroom.

How the hell did I even get up the stairs to my room?

Carefully, I flick the lights on. My eyes pulsating in pain along with my temples. Fuck drinking that much. I can't say never again because that would be a lie.

Once I'm showered and dressed. I feel half way better. The hottness of the water killed off my migraine slightly and related the tension from my muscles.

Carly is up and on her phone when I re-enter my room. Aly is thankfully asleep still asleep when I flick the lights on too quickly put on some foundation.

"Jules needs me to come in. Hence why I am getting ready. Remind me to not go binge drinking like I did last night." I tell Carly.

She smiles down at her phone and nods.

Alright then?

"Okay well I'm Ethan coming to get you or are you coming to work with me?" She nods again. That's it. I stand up from the spot on the floor and march over to her ripping the phone from her hand to see what has her in her own little world.

Bad Boy Aussie ;)

"Give that back Tayzley," she reaches for the phone but I pull back scrolling through their on going texts.

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