Masochistically sick

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When I arrive back inside, Jules is waiting with the smuggest look upon her face. Her shoulders hunched up and squeezing her cheeks into a smart grin.

"I swear if you speak I will run back out there and leave you here to close." I point to her and walk back to the back room.

My cheeks are now starting to regain their normal pale color. The back room is warmer than I intended, but it's nice. I lean against the double washer and dryer, my head hitting the dryer button causing it to buzz scaring the living daylights out of me. So much for wanting to think alone.

I hear the squeak of the door open. "You're going to tell me right?"

"Yes," I sigh, turning around meeting her slightly puzzled gaze. "He was at the bar last night. I was beyond drunk, but hell if I could ever forget that damn jaw line." I groan gripping the ends of my hair. "How do you know him?" I ask, very curious.

I'm still reeling at the fact that he came in here wanting a damn haircut for one. I honestly never thought I would ever see him again. You know how when you're so in the moment of having fun you just do things that you shouldn't really regret. But every time you think about it for cringe at the thought of you doing it? Like last saturday I went out and kissed  just about everyones cheek and hugged them without even warning them. But they gladly accepted it because most of the people at the bar were as drunk as I was.

I tend to be a friendly drunk. Sue me.

"Well for starters him and Seth use to be friends. You know how Seth was a big pot head in high school, well so was Tanner." Wait a second?

"So you're telling me he went to Groves?"

"Yes Tayzley. He was in the same grade as Seth." How the fuck did I not know this?

She peeks her head out of the door to make sure nobody is waiting out front then continues, "He also enlisted into the Army the same time Seth did."

That explains the damn Army Go sticker on the back of his obnoxiously large truck.

"And I'm pretty sure he just got back from Iraq." I close my eyes. Thinking about the way his lips felt against the pulsating skin of my neck. I shouldn't be while Jules is standing in this secluded area with me, but I am. "Go ahead and go home okay?"

I open my eyes, shaking my head at her request, but she doesn't have it of course. Her small five foot two frame shoves me out of the backroom. I'm in complete shock on how her small body can move my large one.

"Get your coat and go. I will stay we aren't even busy at all. He was our first person all day." She grabs my coat and my bag shoving it towards me gently.

"Fine mother."

"Mother knows best sweetie."


Arriving home, I'm greeted by my father. He's sitting in his usual spot on the loveseat rocker. the remotes resting on his stomach like they always are and football playing on the tv in front of him.

"How was work?" he asks as I take a seat on the other couch caddy corner from him.

"I wasn't even suppose to go in. I was only there for an hour until she sent me home. I have a killer headache anyways." I curl up and grab my phone from my bag. 

"That's what you get for going out last night," he remarks.

He doesn't say anything after that. He's too into his football to care right now. Which is okay.

Being the american that I am. Actually the person that I am, because I damn well know that every single one of us do this. I click the small Facebook app on my phone, scroll to the search engine and type in Tanner's name.

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