*Important Follow up*

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Hey guys....

Its been a minutes since I've updated and I have a ligit reason why. Actually a few reasons why.

1. I've been busy working, and trying to find a second job.

2. Recently I have been dating so you can say...and just been super distracted to write.


4. This Thursday my best friend from Wattpad _RosaMartin is coming to visit for a weeks so we have been getting ready for that.

I seriously have been all over the place. I've been super stressed. Trust me this adult thing isn't as easy as it looks kiddos. Lol

I promise you. As soon as I get my mojo back. I will update. Well at least try too. But if I get this second job I will have to have a sechdule for when I actually do update. But my luck I will not follow that either.

Sometimes I do wish life was a bit easier.

But unfortunately that's not the way the cookie crumbles.

I juat hope I'm not losing my readers. I know how much some of you love this book and don't want to see it go to waste. And I promise you it won't, because one day this will be on the shelves of every Barnes & Noble in the country! (Fingers crossed.)

How have you guys been?

I noticed I've got some newer readers!.

I really want to know the ages of my readers. I know I have a 27 year old I think. Haha which is amazing!

But seriiuslw I want to hear about what you guys have been up too and ages people. Lol

I love you guys so much. I appreciate each comment and vote and read!!! Thank you.

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