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946 45 45

I wanna be drunk when I wake up on the right side of the wrong bed.


As we enter the small town bar, the crowd is small, but we're a little early.

Two black torn bar stool call mine and Carly's names. My favorite bartender is working so tonight will be good for sure.

"Ladies! You're early," says a man to my friends right. He's covered in random tattoos. It's only nine and you can tell by the way his eyes squint he's drunk. "Raven! Get these two ladies some drinks I'll pay." He doesn't look at her, yet his eyes are landed on my exposed chest. If this get me drinks then so be it. Hell, creepy old man keep looking.

"Alright babies what'll it be?" Her hand juggling a bottle of blue liquid.

Carly taps my shoulder and mouths shots. Shots it is then.

"Two rounds of rainbow shots. To get us started." We take our seats and dig in.

Shot after shot my head is spinning. The man at the bar buying us drinks, his name is Carter. An odd name for a man his age.

"Want to know something girls?" he leans forward his fingers playing with the rim of his beer bottle.

"Sureeee Carter let's hear your take on life." Carly slurs.

"Boys toss salads. Us men we know how to hit the g-spot," he brings his two fingers up forming a V, putting it upside down and licking between.

Both mine and Carly's expressions are shocked, but we laugh it off. He's a man. A drunk on at that.

"Okay Carter I think you've had enough to drink!" Raven calls over the music.

Let's go. I mouth to Carly nodding my head over by the pool tables. We both slip from the stools. Thanking Carter for our drinks telling him we'll be back later.

Cheers, by Rihanna plays through the bar, the speakers singing to her reggae tone. My hips swaying to the rhythm, my hands weaving above my head. Carly just laughs and pushes me to an empty standing table.

"Aw come on Carls, dance with me," I pout grabbing her hands in mine. But there is no use in trying she just stands there like a lump on a log. "You need more to drink." I say just as the cold winter air seeps through my leggings. The ding of the bar door ringing through my ears like an echo.

Its like in Twilight when Bella sees Edward coming through the cafeteria doors.

Three mouth watering bodies prance through the bar as if they own the place, but I'm in complete awe of body number three.

His build is strong, his muscles toned, can be seen through his thin white T-shirt. His jaw so damn sharp I'm sure if I touched it, it would cut me.

The alcohol coursing through my veins some how sends a signal to my feet causing me to move towards where him and his friend are ordering their drinks.

"Where are you going?" I turn to Carly and nod towards the bar.

"Drinks, we need more drinks." I hope for her to stay, but of course she comes with. Weaving through the pushed out chairs we make way back to the bar. Ordering two Long Islands.

"Do you want a tab babe?" Raven asks holding up my card and I shake my head with a yes.

"Looks like our table is occupied now." I turn to the table to the left. The red stool now occupied by body number three. His large hand wrapped around a bottle of Krona.

"Let's go join them then."

"You're not serious?"

"Dead serious." And I'm not lying. I take a large gulp of my drink and strut my curved frame towards their table. Packs of menthol cigarettes lay around the ash tray. Bodies one and two chalking up the end of their pool sticks. I slide my wide hips in between the gap between them and set my drink down on the table.

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