Thick girls rule the world.

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Listen to The song:)

I'm so irritated. I'm so confused and just I don't know. Embarrassed? What if he's telling his friends?

Waiting for Ashlyn to arrive I call up Carly.

"Yeah?" She answers.

"Hi to you too. I have a question, have you talked to Bobby?"

"Me....uhhh no. Hold on." I hear her shuffle around as I wait for her to continue. "Okay I had to step into the bathroom. Ethan was sitting beside me. Umm yeah I talked to him just a few hours ago why?"

Before I say anything I realize how ridiculous I'm being. Calling up my friend to see if she spoke to Bobby and if he maybe has spoke to Tanner in the last few days.

I sound insane.

"Uhhh, Just wanting to know if he can get us se tickets to a hockey game in a few weeks." Good save.

"Yeah I'll ask. Are you sure everything is okay?"

"Yeah I'm good. Why wouldn't I be?" Just as I say that Ashlyn walls through the front door, the air following her hits my legs. "I have to go, Ashlyn is here. I'll call you when I'm back from Indy." I hang up the phone before she can even get a goodbye in.

Ashlyn smiles at me, her long dark brown hair curled to perfect and her oh-so perfect makeup always on point. I guess that's what you get for being a makeup artist at Mac in the mall.

"You ready?" She asks fixing the zipper on her coat.

"Yes, this is a much needed trip. I'm thankful I got it off on time. What is it that we're doing exactly?" I gather up my things and follower her out the door.

"Well I got us a kick ass hotel for an amazing price, but the rest is kind of a secret."

"Of course it is." I follow her short frame to the my car.

"My bags are already in the back are you ready for this road trip Tay?"

"Yes, more than ready."


An hour in my ass is on fire because of the seat warmers and my anxiety about driving on this damn highway with five lanes has shot out the roof of my car. Semis pass and my eyes move back and forth many times before actually switching lanes.

"We need to stop. I need coffee and I need to stretch." I pull off onto an exit.

When we stop at the Marathon I check my phone again. Nothing but a text from my dad telling me to be careful and to text him when I'm there.

I'm getting itchy, wanting to text him and ask him what his fucking deal is, but I don't. I simply -for once- shut my phone off, and hide it away in my pocket.

The guy at the counter starts up a conversation as I'm trying to buy these snacks and waters. Something about how he can speak seven different languages and such. I just want to pay for my things and go dude, but I'm too nice to tell this complete stranger to stop.

Ashlyn is propped out against the car with a cigarette hanging from her lips. "I thought you quit?" I hand her, her water.

"Yeah well, when you have a non stop job in the makeup industry with high end douche fucks as clients. It will do this to you." She holds it out then sticks it back in her mouth.

"You do realize we both work with people like that right?"

"You don't even know the half of it Tayzley. My nerves are shot." Throwing the cigarette into the snow she climbs back into the Car without further explanation.

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