Tazwe where's daddy?

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These two weeks leading up to my parents re-wedding have been nothing but hectic.

With trying to find a tux that fit Carson's long legs to finding the perfect flower girl, everything has been none stop.

On top of me working all week. I've had little time to participate in much. But thankfully I've had Carly and Everly to help with that.

And Tanner said Emerson could be the flower girl. My chest leaps at the thought of all this and how perfect it's going to be. I'm almost too overwhelmed that in less than three hours my parents will be saying their old vows to each other. It also overwhelms me that I'm going to see Tanner in something other than his greased up white T-shirt and jeans.

Where is he anyways? I agreed to picked up Emerson from the daycare she attends because he was working over, but he still hasn't called me back to tell me when exactly he'll be in town. I put my phone in the cupholder of my car and check on Emerson who is occupied with her Barbie doll one last time before backing out and heading to the venue in Fort Wayne.


"Tayzwe where's daddy?" Emerson tugs at the bottom of my silk coral bridesmaids dress. If I knew I would tell her, but I don't. It's exactly less than ten minutes before the wedding begins and Tanner is still not here.

I bend down to Emerson's level and push a blonde curl behind her ear. "He'll be here. Now do you remember what to do? I remind her and she nods, reaching her small hand into the white basket.

"I take these a throw them on the ground, right?"

I nod. "Exactly. Now let's get you ready. Daddy should be here soon. Carl's?" I call for my friend. "Take her and get her by the doors, I have to call her father."

I pull my phone out from my bra and speed dial his number. Two rings. Three rings. Nothing and my face is red. I'm pissed. I'm furious. Calling him once more he finally picks up.

"Jesus Tanner!" I let out a huff throwing my hand up as if he can see me.

"Almost there. Shit, I'm sorry Tayzley I lost track of time. I'm pulling into the venue now." I hang up. I walk- no I march to the doors to let him.

Thankfully he is showered and changed into tight black dress pants with a maroon dress shirt that knocks the curse words to the back of my throat.

"You're lucky you look good." I hiss and grab his arm dragging him to his seats. "You almost missed your daughter walking down the aisle, throwing flowers that is. She wants you to see her dress. God, I was seriously-" but I'm cut off with my back hitting the hallway wall and lips covering mine.

"Do you ever shut up?" He doesn't stop though. His hand moves up my dress and it was my scattered brain that forgot, that I forgot I didn't put panties on.

"Not here." I breath out, my eyes cautiously searching the hallway.

"This color against your skin is more than enough to drive me mad. Be lucky I don't turn you around, lift it over your hips and fuck you here." God his words do a number one me. They weaken my knees, causing them to bend and my hands to grasp the wall to steady myself. He's nipping at my neck and his warm fingers rub the sensitive nerve between my legs. It's almost unbaring.

"Tanner," I swallow back trying to sound serious, but it doesn't work. He always wins.

"Tayzley!" There's my cue. I push Tanner off me and fix my dress letting it fall over my silver stilettos. Carson comes around the corner as I lift my straps up to fix Tanner's mess.

"I won't ask, but it's time," he smiles. Holding out his hand, I take it and wave off Tanner to go to his seat.


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