Chapter 1

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|This character is played by no one, I have not given the main girl someone who she is played by and her name is Ariana in the story but does not mean I have played her as Ariana Grande|

Ariana's P.O.V.

Ever felt like your in a never ending spiral of thoughts that you would never actually worry about?

Well for me, that's a every day thing.

I like to spend my time, not complaining and moaning about school, and the totally overrated homework that they set us, I tend to just live with it, and as time goes on, I find myself sitting in boring history class, not thinking about historic figures, but thinking generally about life.

Because at some point, there will come a time, when all of us are dead, no human beings remaining to remember that anyone ever existed or that our species ever did anything. There will be no one left to remember Madonna, or even Beyoncé. Everything that we did and built and wrote and thought and discovered will be forgotten and all of us, will have been for naught.

Sometimes I wonder, is that time soon? Or in a million years, but even if we survive the collapse of our sun, we will not survive forever.

So if you have fears of spiders, ghosts, demons, or even the oblivion, well I fear for you because God knows what will be thrown at us when we face the collapse of the sun, and when we take our last breath.

I'm not an emotional person, not very much actually, but I do have a knowledgeable brain which allows me to choose right from wrong,

Personally, I'm the type of person who can be a great comfort, the rock when you need something solid, and a shoulder to cry on, but I can also be the person to tell the truth and not hold back, my personal opinion is self explanatory.

But it's not an opinion if it causes hurt to another, and that's something people forget.

As for my life in general, I was now a senior in High School, I was 17 years old and had just started my year. School is pretty much like any regular school. I mean sure there are the cliques, the 'nerds' the group of kids that over think everything, the jocks; who are actually so friendly and get on with me very well, and then of course, the fake girls that hang around one another telling each other how hot the other was, and saying every nasty word about someone who is truly beautiful just because she has some imperfections. Personally, I've never had to encounter there bullying, to be honest I was popular at school, I wasn't popular in a way that everyone loved me and I was central bitch of the school, I was popular because I was friendly and people just liked me in general, plus it helped that I hung out with the crowd that lead me in the right direction and are not just looking for failing in there education.

As for family, I live with my mom and dad, both who have provided me with everything I've ever asked for. My dad owns a very successful jewellery brand and has his own offices all over America, as for my mom, she works with children with disabilities, I think it's an amazing job and as you can imagine, both of there jobs pay a lot which is why I am known as someone who can get whatever I want whenever I want, but people know I am not a snobby rich kid who only thinks about herself, because I'm not.

I didn't have anything amazingly special about myself, my hair is my favourite feature. My eyes were a greyish blue, passed on by my mother, who is Sicilian/ Italian, but her first language was actually English. As for my dad, he was born and raised in California, we were currently live in a large house in the city.

That was basically me, nothing amazingly special, I prefer being nice and kind to people, I believe in second chances, and I have a huge fear of being alone, but other then that, I was nothing special.

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