Learning and New plans

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Lilys POV

I woke up, my eyes streaming. Wondering why I was suddenly crying I cast my mind back to my dreams trying to decipher why my emotions were running high. I remember dreaming about Tuney and our days out to the local park, our carefree selves playing on the swings when I would suddenly jump off at the height of my momentum flying through the air yet still landing lightly on my feet, my back to my best friend, my sister. I suddenly heard a high pitched scream, a sound I hated to hear coming from my sibling's mouth.

"You freak! Don't do that, mummy said not too! It's abnormal, people might see!" shouted my sister, Petunia.

That was the moment our close knit bond started to unravel eventually to turn into a gaping hole between the two of us. The moment I lost a friend.

My friends started stirring and I hastily wiped my eyes, making my way to our bathroom to splash water onto my face. I wasn't usually like this, my emotions were hid behind a very high, well-built wall of which I have carefully constructed over the years, I need to pull myself together.

Shaking my head I walked back into my dormitory, I could tell my quiet reserved mood did not go unnoticed by my friends, Mar, Emmy and Mary ,but they said nothing and I was grateful. I started walking down to the great hall when Emmy caught up with me and lightly touched my shoulder.

"Lil are you alright? You seemed kinda off this morning?" My friend asked her eyes scanning my face quickly taking in my messy hair and slightly red eyes.

"I'm fine, just bad dream." I said brushing off her observations heading to the great hall for breakfast alone. I sat at the far end of Gryffindor's table hoping to go unseen by the world, I wish I had one of those invisibility cloaks – rumour has it Potter has one but I don't believe this one bit. Personally think it's just that arrogant toe rag himself trying to boast his ever growing popularity even more. Anyway as I sat at the end of the table wishing to become one with the furniture, my attempts became futile as my three best friends come and sit opposite me, as they are sliding into the bench I realise that they are not alone and are joined by Remus Lupin, my fellow Gryffindor prefect.

"Hi guys" I say glumly not looking up from my plate of cold sausages to meet their concerned eyes.

"Are you okay Lily?" asks an anxious Lupin as I start twirling my sausages around my plate furiously while sitting slumped on the bench.

"why does everyone need to know my god dammed business all the time!? I'm sick of that question! Do I look bloody okay! Off course I'm not okay! Would you be okay if your very own sister hated you and can't even stand to be in the same room as you, let alone if every god damn Slytherin feels like it's their personal job to bully me about something I can't even help? So no I'm not okay Remus okay?!" I shout while rising from my position on the bench, sick of the world, sick of everyone asking me everything.

With that I storm from the great hall, cheeks flushed, and my red hair practically glowing with anger.

Remus' POV

"What on earth was that about??" I question the three girls sat before me in bewilderment.

"That was a very angry Lily Evans, who happens to be unknowingly PMSing; which is a terrible thing for everyone involved." Marlene replied sadly.

"What in god's name is 'PMSing'" I ask still in the dark about everything.

"Ahh we have come across yet another uneducated male." Chirps Mary to her two friends.

"He's so innocent and clueless it's so sweet" coos Emmeline.

"We have a lot to teach you, my boy" states a very serious Marlene in a superior voice.

And that was the horrific breakfast where I learnt about the struggles girls go through once a month, the blood, the pain, and the cravings. That was also the breakfast where I took a silent oath to educate every boy I knew on the awful happenings of a period so they would always be able to comfort a girl in need, and not get killed themselves. I then rushed upstairs to my dormitory to spread my knowledge on what I had learnt to my fellow marauders.

James POV

"... and they have to go through that once a month, 12 times a year, for a week!" moony finishes spectacularly.

"Sounds a bit like your 'furry little problem' hey Moony?" jokes my best mate Sirius.

"I think periods are worst." States a very serious Remus.

I hear a whimper from Pete's bed and look over only to find the wimp had actually fainted. Out cold. I don't think I've ever laughed so loud, he'd fainted by hearing a few tame period horror stories. The weakling.

"I just feel so bad for lily..." starts Moony.

At the mention of her name I was instantly alert and interested to where this conversation was going.

"From what the girls say she's PMSing and oblivious, and IT's meant to come tomorrow!" whispers my very shocked best friend.

"Mate, you turn into a raging fury beast each month, I don't think they deserve your sympathy Moony." Says a very relaxed Sirius.

"But at least I can know when, almost prepare myself for full moon – apparently it just happens sometimes, like a tiger stalking its prey..."

"Well I pity Evans greatly then. Come on, help me find my other sock Prongs." Utters a very un- sympathetic Padfoot.

"That's it! That is what we should do! Cheer Evans up!" I shout enthusiastically

"Calm down mate – she's not your girlfriend."

"Not yet she isn't" I say quietly sneaking a sly glance at Sirius.

We all settle on Moony's neat bed, even the freshly awaken Peter joins us and we all brainstorm ideas together. Finally I say,

"Okay, here's the plan..."


Hi guys, hope you're well. Thanks for reading

I've got school soon so may not be updating as much (not that anyone reads this anyway) but will probably try tomorrow to get a chapter up. Please vote and comment if you have any ideas/ characters i have a pretty good idea where this story is going but i would love to hear from you guys.

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