Chapter 31

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Stephen's POV
"Push!!" The doctor yelled.

We were in the hospital and it was finally time for Blue to go into labor. She was sweating and screaming. She looked so miserable. I can't believe that I caused this to happen to her.

"One more push." The doctor said.

"Come on baby you can do this just one more push!" I said while holding onto her hand.

Blue started to scream louder and the next thing you heard was a baby crying.

"It's a beautiful baby boy." The doctor said while carrying the baby to me. I held him and when he opened his eyes they were so beautiful. They were the same color as mine. I started to tear up a little. I started to carry him to Blue and when she held him she was crying like crazy.

"Hi baby." She said holding onto him. "Welcome to the world. I won't ever let you go don't worry, you have your daddy and I here with you." She then hugged him.

"Sorry, but were gonna need to clean the baby right now." The doctor said. Reaching for the baby.

"Of course." Blue said and handed him over to the doctor.

2 hours later
Everyone was here now at the hospital including Sydel my little sister who brought Riley along with her, Klay, Mom, and Dad.

"Daddy!!" She yelled and ran up to me.

"Shhhhh!" Everyone said because our little baby boy was sleeping in Blue's arms.

"How's my big girl?" I asked her.

" that my little bother?" She said pointing at the baby in Blue's arms.

"Yeah he's your little baby brother." I said while Sydel went up to Blue so she could hold the baby.

"Have you guys thought of a baby name yet?" My mom asked.

"Ryan. Ryan Curry." I said.

"That's so cute." Sydel Said.

"Just like you." Klay said while staring at the ground blushing. Everyone just looked at him and laughed, even my dad. Klay and his girlfriend broke up because she cheated on him and Sydel and Klay have been talking a lot lately which gives me an opportunity to make fun of her. I looked at Sydel and she was blushing too. They are just so cute together.

"Picture time." Riley said while she went to stand next to Sydel who bent down to Riley's height. I took my phone out and got ready to take a picture.

"Smile." I said and took a picture of them three.

"When can we take Ryan home?" Riley asked.

"In a couple of days Riley." Blue said and Riley ran to her side and started hugging her. Sydel went to go stand next to Klay, and my parents were just sitting together talking and I knew that from this day on my family wouldn't be facing anymore troubles and we would move on together as a big family.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I know I haven't wrote in like a billion years, I've been crazy busy and its finals week and I should be studying but... That can wait😂 Thank you guys for reading. Please vote and read my other books. Lots of love😘😘😘😘💋💋💋💋❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😘💋❤️😘💋❤️😘💋❤️

-Preet😝 (I decided to write my name😂😂)

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