Chapter 9

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Stephen's POV
4 p.m.
When practice had ended I changed and got all my things together and I saw Klay leaving and he looked so happy, I walked up to him.
Stephen- You look happy!

Klay-*smiles* I know Blue forgave me and she isn't mad at me anymore*smiles*.

Stephen- That's good I didn't like being the messager. I got yelled at a lot*laughs*.

Klay- I'm sorry that I yelled at you I didn't mean to be that well rude I guess,

Stephen- It's ok we're brothers we can't stay mad at each other forever.

Klay- Thanks, man see you tomorrow.

Klay walked out of the gym doors and I went the other way because my car was parked in the front. When I was walking I just remembered that I had to pickup Riley today. When I pulled out my phone there was a voicemail that came at 2 so I was basically practicing at that time and when I opened it, it was from Mom.
Here's what it said.
Mom- Hey Steph. I know you have your all star game tomorrow so I don't think you should pick up Riley today cause you're going to wake up super early and it's going to be a lot of stress on you so I'll keep her today and I'll come to the game and we could hand her over to you. I hope you get this voicemail before you come to our house. Love you baby!
That's when the voicemail ended and I signed. Without Riley I have nothing to do. Hey maybe I could hang out with Blue but...... She's probably with Drake so that's out of the question. I got in my car and just drove home.
When I got home I decided to just practice that's the only thing that keeps Ayesha off my mind.😔
After practice I ate a healthy dinner and went to sleep super excited for tomorrow.

The next morning
6:30 a.m.
When I got up in the morning I was so excited so I ran to the shower and got dressed and ran down the stairs and got cereal as breakfast and by the time I was done it was 8 so I got my bag and walked to my car and got inside.
I called my mom to ask when they were going to be at stadium.
She said they were going to make it around 6 p.m so I had like 9 hours to do whatever I wanted well 7 hours of practice first.( Author's note-sorry I'm going so fast I just want to make it to the really good part😃).
4 p.m.
After practice was over I went out to eat so I ate at Subway cause it was the closest to the stadium .After I ate my lunch I just went walking around the city to just past the time lets not forget that I was with my bodyguards so I was safe.
I came back to the stadium I went though the front so I didn't see any of the fans or the gym yet.
I got in the locker room and all the guys were still coming in.

James- What's up Stephen!

Me- What's up my man.

We did a hand shake.

Me- Where is everyone?

James- They went to go get some water they will be back any second.

Me- You excited?

James- Dude I'm more nervous then excited.

Me- Calm down you'll do fine don't worry, just trust your team.*smiles*

James- Your right it was cool hanging out with you guys for the past month.

I smiled at him and got changed.
Soon the guys did come and Klay was with them too. He came up to me and we started to talk while I was putting on my shoes.

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