Chapter 20

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Blue POV
It's been like 1 week since the last time that I saw Stephen and he hasn't texted or called me and I'm starting to worry about him I want to go over to his house but I don't want to intrude in his business, so I'll just wait for him to call or text.

So today I decided to go out for lunch with Liz since Suzan, Caitlyn, and Abby went back to their homes in their states.

I put a pink sweater on with floral shorts and black shoes.

Me and Liz took my car to Olive Garden and all we talked about was Stephen.

Liz- So he didn't even call or text?

Me- Nope.

Liz- That's so rude how dare he!

Me- Calm yourself Liz.

Liz- Sorry I know I get mad fast.

Me- It's ok it's just that the latest he's called me has been for like 3 days this never happens.

Liz- Maybe he lost his phone or dropped it in the toilet.

I stared at her like she was crazy.

Liz- What? I dropped my phone in the toilet once.

Me- True no ones as crazy as Liz.

I say while giving jazz hands. We both started to laugh.

Liz- Did he break up with you?

Me- Not yet, I don't know I'm just so confused.

Liz- I don't think that you should be dating Blue.

Me- Why?

Liz- You broke up with Drake like a few months ago and you dated Chris Brown for 2 years and you guys really liked each other and then the accident happened and you haven't talked to him since then.

Me- It's just that I get really lonely, Liz I have nobody in my house it's just me and all those empty rooms.

Liz- Please don't get mad at the thing I'm about to say next then.

Me- Ok.

Liz- Why don't you get back with Chris he mad-


Liz- Think about it Blue. He actually calls you unlike Stephen and he comes over every time you call.

That was true me and Chris dated for a ling time and we always took care of each other and rarely got into fights. Our love was so strong with each other but then one day when Chris came home drunk he was mad or something and he beat me and we broke up and never talked to each other ever again.

Me- .........Maybe...........

Liz- I'm not forcing you or anything.

Me- I know I know maybe I should give him a second chance. But only when I talk to Stephen.

Liz- Kk.

We made it to Olive Garden at that time and when we walked in there weren't a lot of people here and I went to a table and when we sat down we order what we wanted and we sat there and waited for our food while we ate the bread sticks which were bomb as always. Liz kept looking at the corner to some family of three and I didn't know what was up.

Me- Are you ok?

Liz- Mhm.

Me- Why do you keep looking at that family?

Liz moved closer cross the table.

Liz-*whispers* Isn't that Stephen?

I slowly looked closer and saw Stephen and Riley and some random women.

I couldn't stop staring with a sad look on my face. Stephen saw me and at that moment my eyes got watery and before I knew it I was crying like crazy and running out the door.

Liz- Blue!

I didn't look back I just kept running and when I was running I felt someone stop me. It was Stephen or course. I pulled my arm back.


Stephen- Can I explain?

Me- Hurry up.

Stephen tells me that women was Ayesha his wife and she came back and wanted to start over and be a family again and he said he agreed to it and he couldn't say no to starting a family and Riley finally having a mother.

Stephen- You know where I'm coming from?

Me- Yeah whatever.

Stephen- So you know we have to break up right?

Me- Yeah I mean I guess.

A tear slipped when I turned around to go back to Olive Garden.

Stephen- Bye.

Me- Yeah.

I see Liz with a take out bag and we both got in the car and drive home quietly until Liz spoke....

Liz- Chris?

I nodded.

Me- I'm going to see him today no matter what.
Thanks for reading. Please vote and comment. I typed like 3 chapters in one day that's a record😃👌. Love you guys. Hugs and kisses😘😘😘😘💋💋💋💋❤️❤️❤️❤️


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