Chapter 14

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Blue's POV
10 p.m.
I woke up the next morning and I didn't even know where I was.
I felt someone's arm around me and when I look to my right I see Stephen hugging me.
When I looked under the sheets I saw that I had my dress on still and when I slowly looked at Stephen under the sheets I saw he was wearing his button up shirt and pants too.
I got so scared because I don't know how I got here.
I then started to look for my shoes. At the same time I was thinking.
How did we end up in the same bed? Did we have sex? I don't even remember any of it.
I found my shoes and I put them on but I couldn't find my bag. Then I went into the other rooms to check if it was in there and while I was looking I heard someone yawning and getting up and I knew that it was Stephen because the footsteps were loud.

Stephen- Blue?

Oh crap now what. I was trying to hide but I was too late.

Stephen- What are you doing?

I turn around to see a sleepy Stephen Curry.

Me- Well good morning to you and I was looking for my bag.

Stephen- Oh.

He turned to go back to his room. But then I said....

Me- Don't you want to talk about last night?

Stephen- Do you want to talk about all that sex that we had last night?

Me- WHAT!!!!!

My heart started to pound so fast and loud that he could probably hear it.

Stephen- *smiles*Just kidding I'm messing with you.

Me- Good.

I breathe out because if we did have sex last night then Klay would have killed him if he found out.

Me- Care to explain about last night then because I remember nothing.

Stephen sat down next to me.

Stephen- I couldn't drive home last night cause I was drunk but not a lot so I called my driver and he picked us up you didn't want to go home so I just took you to my house. You still wouldn't agree to go home so I had no choice but to keep you here tonight. Before you start going crazy I didn't touch you in a inappropriate way I'm sorry if it felt like I didn't because you were sleeping in my bed. I put you in the guest bedroom and put your bag in there.

Then he reaches under the bed and gets my bag.

Me- Thank you.

Stephen- Then you wouldn't sleep so you kept coming into my room and I had no choice but to sleep NEXT to you. Then we woke up the next morning.

I was surprised at what he had said. I thought that we had sex last night.
I shook my head.

Me- Can you take me home now. I feel like shit.

Stephen- I'll tell my driver to take you home then.

He took out his phone and called him.

10:30 p.m.

Stephen- Do you want to eat something?

Me- Nah I'm good I just want to go home and sleep.

Stephen- You could always sleep with me.

Me- Shut up.

We both laughed and I playfully pushed him.

Me- I'll call you later?

Stephen- And I'll pick your call up later.

He smiles and we hug and before I turn to leave he slaps my butt. And I smile while I walk to his car.

11:00 p.m.
When I made it inside my house I changed into my striped pjs and jumped into my bed. While I was just laying there I started to think about Stephen and I forgot to call him back!
I jumped up got my phone and at that same time I got a call from Stephen.

Stephen- Hey.

Me- Hi.

Stephen- Did you make it home safely?

Me- Yeah I was just about to sleep.

Stephen- Oh ok good night.

Me- Love you.

Stephen- Love you too.

I turned my phone off and fell asleep. Thinking about Stephen.

I hope you guys liked this chapter I know it was short. Please vote and comment. Love you guys. Hugs and kisses😘😘💋💋❤️❤️. Bye.

- GSWarrior#34

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