Chapter 13

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Stephen's POV
Blue had just left the gym and my family was staring at me.

Me- What?

Mom- Do you like her?

Me- What?!

Sydel- The way you look at her I never seen "friends" look at each other like that.

Me- I don't like her it was just one kiss.

Seth,Mom,Dad- ONE KISS!!!!!

They all stare at Sydel cause she didn't say anything.

Sydel- What? I saw them kissing.

Seth- And you didn't tell us because....

Sydel- I told Blue I wouldn't tell.

Me- Ok anyways I don't like her it was just one kiss can we all agree on that?

Everyone- Ok.

Me- Good now let's go.

When we made it outside Riley was fast asleep in my arms.

Mom- Do you want me to babysit again since your going to the party?

Me- That would be nice.

Mom- Why don't we just have Riley live with us?

Everyone starts to laugh.

Seth- Cause you like to watch cooking shows and I don't think Riley likes those.

Mom- Of course she does she watches it with me.

Dad- Yeah watches it with you as in your watching and she's sleeping.

Everyone cracks up laughing.

Me- Thanks Mom it means a lot I'll come and get her tomorrow.

I hug my mom and dad and kiss Riley's forehead before they leave with her. Then I turn to Seth and Sydel.

Me- You have your car right?

I ask Seth since he's the one who usually drives.

Seth- Yeah.

Me- Good. Sydel do you want to ride with me or Seth to the party?

Sydel- I'll go with you cause we need to talk.

Seth- Hey no far I want to hear what you guys are saying.

Sydel- Seth I really don't care.

Seth- Whatever.

We all got into our cars and were on our way to 16th street.

Sydel- So....... You and Blue?

Me- I don't even know what to call it right now I kissed her first then she pulls me back and SHE kisses me. *sign* I'm just really confused right now.

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