Kanato Sakamaki[Feed Me]

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'His servants don't last long.'

That's what you were warned on the first day of your service at the Sakamaki House.

You had gotten out of your car and walked up to the side door, where you were instructed to go. You knocked three times, just like the sheet said and hurried into the house. You were immeadiately splashed with holy water and given a rosary to wear.

"Uhhh....What is this?"

"They're asking The Lord for your protection," said one short girl, a few years older than you as the other women prayed.

"Hi, I'm Sarah," she said.

"__________. What going on?"

"Right, well your résumé said that you can 'work with all types of people,' correct?"

"Yeah, what? Are they like West Boro Baptists, or Scientologists?"

"No no! They're a little less extreme!" she said, smiling.

Then she gave you the whole vampire speech and you shrugged it off. These people were crazy, but the money was good and you had a place to stay. Sarah didn't believe the crap the other women said either. She just decided to deal with the Adam's Family for as long as she could until she paid off her student loans.

"We're each assigned a Sakamaki," she said, handing you your maid clothes. "I have the second oldest, Reiji. You have the middle triplet, Kanato. We basically are their secretaries, their cleaners, their drivers, whatever they need us to be.

"They also have their own fetishes, which you might not enjoy knowing about. Especially Ayato. Sadist, much?" she said. She leaned down and handed you some shoes. She put her hands on her hips and said, "That should do it. Come on."

She lead you down the hall of the servants quarters and said, "There are approximately 80 servants in the house, unfortunately your room has to be the very end of this hall. It gets you could excersise though. Anyway, they all have their own preferential taste in breakfast, Gina, our cook, will handle that part. All you have to do is be docile and smile softly. Kanato enjoys it when people smile. It's good to have him happy, by the way. Making these boys mad is not advised. They have short tempers and if they don't like you, you're gone. The other ladies think that they die but they just leave really quickly. I mean seriously, I've been here for three years, not once have I seen a bucket of blood or a coffin. Just Ayato's Iron Maiden, but that's a bit different, eh?"

You listened to her ramblings and smiled. You liked her.

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Three days later, you bowed and moved away from the table, watching as Kanato ate in his room. He took one bite of his beignet and then put his hands back in his lap. You watched as he stared off and said softly(not too loud), "Is the food not to your liking sir?"

"Do you believe in the occult _________?"

You paused.


"No....No sir," you asked confused.

He remained silently. Slowly you watched as his hand covered his mouth, he hunched over and you ran to his side, "Sir!"

Then his childish laughter rang through the room, down the hall. You froze and awkwardly smiled.

He grinned at you, his lilac eyes glinting, "I like you _________....You're cute...."

You blushed a bit, "Th-Thank you sir-"

Two incisors dug into your wrist. You almost screamed, until his hand clapped over your mouth. He pulled away and licked his bloody lips. He smiled, "How cute.... That expression you make.... Of fear and confusion.... It's beautiful.... Promise you make those kind of expressions for only me, ne?"

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