Chapter 1

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Tris POV

I can see Tobias starting to believe when all of a sudden I hear my name being called. Before I have a change to look I see Caleb and Christina running towards me. They both embrace me right away, they both looked shocked but we all start crying. Caleb holding me as close as he possibly can to him, "Beatrice I thought you were dead...." He says through tears, I hold onto as I look who's Christina. She's smiling even though the tears are ruining her makeup, "Tris I don't know what is going on right now.... But I'm so happy to see you."

We're all talking when I realize Tobias isn't next to me, I look over and see him just staring at me. He's pale like he just seen a ghost, which technically he just did. Caleb and Christina must notice I'm looking at Tobias because they stop talking and look over at him too. Christina leans in and whispers, "How's Tobias taking it? I figured he would be happy you're back." I look at her, "I think he's mad that I faked my death. Well I didn't fake it the Bureau did but I can understand if he's mad. I can understand if you're all mad at me." She hugs me, "I can't be mad when I'm too happy you're actually alive Tris."

Amar comes over and interrupts the reunion. "How about we all go sit down and have a dinner together. You guys must be hungry... I think it would be easier if Tris explained everything to you." Everyone agrees and I walk over to Tobias, "Come on, I'll explain it all." He nods and puts his arm around me and we start walking. I can't help but look over at Bruno and see him glaring at the both of us.

Tobias POV

I still can't wrap my head around it all. Even with Tris right next to me I can't believe she's alive. Every time I look at her I can't help but see her dead body in the morgue. That was real too... right? I don't know what to feel like now, I feel like everything is too much. I just keep walking forward, Amar wanted us to sit down and talk about what is going on. Had he known this whole time? Amar was the one who told me it was going to be okay. He was there for me when I was having a bad day, he was the one who gave me the serum for my fear landscape, he was the one who told me I needed to move forward. But all that time... he knew she was alive.

I hesitate and stop walking. Tris stops and looks at me, she looks worried. All I can do is shake my head, I don't know whether to be happy or mad at everyone. She steps in front of me and touches my cheek, "I know it's a lot right now Tobias... just breathe for me." I nod and try breathing regularly. I look back and see everyone has stopped and there looking at us, but I don't care. All I can focus on is Tris. I keep trying to breathe regular, I'm just so overwhelmed by it all. She smiles, "That's better Tobias, just breathe and relax." She kisses my cheek and holds my hand, we start walking again.

We get to the cafeteria and Amar tells us all to sit down, that food is going to be delivered to us. Tris sits down right next to me, still holding my hand. One of the guys from the Bureau sits on the other side of her, which is odd because I would have figured Caleb and Christina would sit by her. Amar says the food is going to be about 15 minutes, everyone just starts talking. Tris leans in closer to me, "Want to go on a walk before the food gets here." I nod and we both get up.


A/N; HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!! This was supposed to come out Monday but I decided to release it on New Years! SURPRISE!!!! Hope you all enjoy this story! Feedback is very helpful!


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