Chapter Twenty Four

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You'll understand the picture, when you read the rest of it

Angela's Pov

It's been two weeks. For the first week, I kept crying, but why cry? He obviously didn't give a fuck, so should I? I've been with Tyriece and the twins. They're so cute!

"Yo,Ang! Tyreice is outside." Sonya yells from the front door. LeLe and I are at her house. They're babysitting the twins, as Tyreice and I, are going to the movies tonight.

The twins run in here, barging in. "Angie! Can I go?" Tiara yells. Tiana just sits on the couch. "Angie, tell her no!" She yells.

"Tiana, why?" I ask. I see Tyriece, walking into the house. He looked so casual. And, his dreads are in a low ponytail, bun thing... Honestly, I have no idea, what they're called.

"Because,I don't want to go! I want to go to sleep!" She yells. She's usually the quiet one. And, when she's tired, she's cranky! "Alright, sweety."

"But mommy! I want to go!" Tiara screams. That's the loud one. I looked at Tyreice for a second, but then I looked at her. I kneel down to her level, and say, "But, if your sister's tired, and doesn't want to. Then you can't go."
But then, guess what! Screaming! Screaming! Didn't I say she was the loud one? "Tiara!I know, you better get your butt on that couch, sit down, and behave. And, I'm not playing with you!" I use my 'mommy' voice. My friends look at me, like I'm a Goddess.
Tiara sits on the couch, and be quiet.
"Be good girls." Tyreice says. I walk over, and kiss their foreheads, and Tyreice comes over, and kisses their cheeks.


We're in the car, going to the movies.

"Ang, sorry m my bad about Tiara calling you Mommy." He says.

"It's fine. I panicked real quick though." I laugh, he starts to laugh, also.

We finally get here, and once, we get in, I see Tyleik, and Jay on the line, right in front of us.

"Um, can we go?" I ask, trying to hide myself, but that doesn't work... As, they walk towards us.

"Yo, what's up?" Tyleik says, giving Tyreice that bro hand shake. Jay does the same. "Tyreice, can we go now?" I ask, looking down. I've been looking down the whole time.
"Oh, hey Angela." Jay quietly says. I ignore him. "Can we talk to you, real quick?"Tyleik ask.

Okay, happy new years!!!

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