Chapter Têñ

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I changed the picture

I don't own this clip. It's from the movie 'What's Love Got to Do With it.' Beautiful movie, about a tautened singer.
This is the second half of the song.

Also, there's a picture. So, I believe you have to swipe the video or picture to see it.


♪♪♪Angela's Pov♪♪♪

"You know every now and then, I think you like to hear something from us, nice and easy but there's one thing! We never ever do nothing nice and easy. We always do it nice and... rough. But we'll do the beginning of the song and do it easy... And we'll do the finish rough. That's the way we do. Freedom clear waters Proud Mary."

In my room, LeLe, Sonya, and I are watching one of our favorite movies, 'What's Love Got to do with it'. And it's the 'Proud Mary' scene. And we always act out this scene.


When we were doing, we heard claps. We all look to my door, where the noise was coming from. And it was Tyreice. Tyshawn's brother from his father's side.
And, right next to him was Tyshawn, and Tyleik.

Why are they here?

Tyreice is 19. He lives with their father, because his mom passed away, after labor. So, his last name isn't Delgado. It's Jackson.

"Y'all are here, because?" Sonya ask, with an attitude. Tyshawn ignored it, and replies "My sister is helping your mom with the garden, that she's starting. And, I came along to see my baby." He wraps his arms around my shoulders. Kissing my cheek.

"Didn't know you could dance like that, Midget." Tyleik says laughing

"Shut up,Tyleik. And boy, I ain't your baby." I giggle. I look back at Sonya, and honestly, I wish I haven't done that. She was giving us an evil eye.

"How about y'all help my mom, real quick." I tell them. They nod. "Got to show, my future mother-in-law, that I'm strong." He chuckles. Once, they all leave the room, LeLe gets up, and shuts the door.

"What was that about?" LeLe ask. She looked a little upset, while Sonya looked furious.

"What the fuck was that, Ang?!" Sonya quietly yells. I shrug my shoulders. I sit down, looking down. I hate when people are upset with me.

"Do you like him?" Sonya ask, shifting her voice to be softer. "Honestly, I just want to know."

"Just a little bit." I answer.

"How big is 'a little bit'?" LeLe ask.

I make at least a foot wide open space, with my hand. I know you're like "Damn that's a lot of like!" But honestly, that's nothing! I fall for people fast!

"Wow! Okay! Wow! I got to go... Outside... To put him straight." Sonya sighs.

"No, Sonya!"

♪♪♪Tyshawn's Pov♪♪♪

When, we get to the kitchen to go through the back door, one of Angela's friend pushes me to the wall.

"Look, Angela really likes you. If you do anything to fuck it up, I'll hurt you real bad." She says, I'm shocked. I feel like she's crazy...

"Why would I hurt her? I like her too. And thanks for clearing it up, that she likes me too." I wink at her, and walk outside.

I walk up to Tyleik, which was next to the flowers. I kneel down, to help." What happen, nigga? " He ask.

"Nah,her friend... The crazy one, that hates all of us. She just pushed me to the wall, and told me Angela likes me."

"Oh shit, you're gonna score mad fast. So what's your new plan?" Tyleik starts. "Shit, how about on Monday, you ask her out, in front of people. So, she can't say no." He suggest. You know, that's mad smart. But, the only problem, is that she wouldn't like to be in the spot light.

"Nah, nigga. She hates the spotlight. So, on Friday, I'll invite her over to the house. And, we'll watch one of her favorite movies. And I'll try kissing her, and ask her out... Yeah, that's smart."


What do you think she should say??

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