Chapter Twenty Two

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I love the caption of this...It also have something to do with this chapter.

Do not skip this chapter! Important!

Rated R...(Well, somewhat Rated R)

♣♣♣Sonya's Pov♣♣♣

"Are you fucking with me?" I basically yell. I knew something was up with them, from the start! Oh, and Daquel! Did he have something to do with this shit?

"Did you have something to do with this?" I ask Tyriece. I want to rip someone's head off! I hate the idea, that Tyshawn is sick enough to do this to another human being... And, for money, and fun?

"No, Sonya believe me. I would never! I mean,I have two girls of my own...And,I know for a fact, that if someone did that... I'll be in jail." He says, shaking his head.

"Wait, you have kids? But you're 19." I say, bluntly. He nods his head. "Twins,they're four."

Wow! This boy has kids... Tyshawn probably have some too... And, how much you want to bet, he don't even pay child support.
"Do you even take care of them?" I ask. I made it seem very mean, though, it really was out of curiosity.

"I have full custody of the twins. Their mom pays child support. Angela's meet them. They like her a lot, actually. They talked about her non stop." I can see his smile getting bigger. He might have a crush on her...I like him. He seems good.

"So,what the fuck do we do, about this fucking situation?" I ask. Before, he even suggest anything, Daquel calls me.

"Hey Sonya. Wha-" I cut him off.

"Do you know anything,about your friend,fucking Angela for a joke?"

"No,what the hell are you talking about?"

"Look,I'll be there in like ten minutes. And,I swear to God,I will kill you,if you knew."

And, with that, I hang up. He better pray, because, when I get there. I will lose my shit. "I have to pick up LeLe."


LeLe and I walk inside Tyshawn's house, without knocking. Daquel walks up to me, and put his arm around my waist. "Sonya, it's fine. Just leave, he said it isn't true. I swear, I'm not lying." He kisses my cheek.

"What are y'all talking about? What isn't true?" Angela ask,walking down the stairs. She had bed head, so she probably fell asleep.

"Oh, how Tyshawn is playing you. He honestly don't like you. Didn't, I tell you this? He just wanted your virginity." I tell her. I understand it was rough, but it's what need to be told!

"What the hell are you talking about? He wouldn't do that." Ang says... I swear, she's blind!

"I told you, they weren't good for you. Angela, listen to me." I tell her. She rolls her eyes, and replies "I'm listening to your bull shit... Just don't believe a word, that's coming out your mouth. Look, you're not my mother, you don't need to tell me what to do. Can you please leave. I'll text you in the morning." And with that she shuts the door.

°°°Angela's Pov°°°

"Do you believe the shit, she said?" I start. "I mean, I know she don't like y'all, but still. I've known y'all over a month now, I'm pretty sure, I can trust y'all."

"Well only one thing, can make it, feel much better." Tyshawn says, kissing my neck. All the boys walk into the kitchen, as we go up stairs.

We go into his room, and he locks the door. He looks at me, smirking a bit. "Tyshawn, I'm not ready." I told him. He already had his shirt off, and he sits on the bed. "Baby, come on. Just this once, I care for you, and this'll show you how much I love your personality. But, if you're not ready, I get it. I'll wait." He says, getting up from the bed, but soon is forced back down, by me.
I let him do what he wanted, only because, I knew he knew what he was doing... And, I was hoping that, because he knew what he was doing, that it wouldn't hurt... But, I was wrong.

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